Chapter 13

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(Also, you guys got me to my 600 followers goal, before my birthday! Which was on Sunday! So if you guys get me to 10,000 before December 17th, which I'm only 900 votes away from! I'll do a big giant bonus, that you guys can decide on!)

(Another note. The sequel to The Boy Next Door, will be out next week sometime, so stay tuned! BAI GUYS! AND ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!)

(Wait. I just realized this is chapter 13. Evil shall be upon them! Speaking as it's a Friday in the book. MAUHAAHHA!!!)

~Seto's POV~

Skylar laid against the wall, while Merlin raised the bolt. He whispered something to her, before slamming the bolt down. He just laughed, while a blinding light blew me back against the cage.

I groaned, and rolled to the side, and saw the room filled with dirt, dust, and a glowing purple orb where Skylar was. My eyes widened and I jumped up. "No..." I sunk down against the bars, and clunked my head against them.

"She's gone. She's gone. She's gone." Each time my head hit the bars, I whispered. My eyes started burning, while wet and tingly drops ran down my face. I saw a bunch of lights start swirling around the room, and I heard the click of a gun.

"Hey Merlin. You b*tch." I looked up at the sound of a voice and saw Lizzie, the girl who works for Merlin. "Next time you try to kill an innocent person.... Oh wait. There won't be a next time." Lizzie shot the gun in her hand, making a giant orb fly towards Merlin.

Everything seemed to slow down in the moment. As the orb flew towards Merlin, Lizzie ran towards a lever against the wall. She flicked it and the cage disappeared, dropping me to the floor right as the orb connected with Merlin. I was flown back against the wall, right next to Lizzie.

The room started shaking around us, and things started falling from the ceiling. I groaned and tried to get up, but Lizzie was on top of me. I shoved her off, and limped towards where Skylar's body was.

"Seto! We have I get out of here, this place is going to collapse!" Lizzie ran over to me, and pulled my arm back. "I'm getting Skylar!" She shook her head, and yanked me back. "She's gone, Seto. She's dead. She's not coming back. Let's go!"

I slapped her hand away, and ran anyways. The chunks that were falling from the ceiling, started to fall more rapidly, and it was making it hard to walk. "What if Merlin's still there!? Seto, you idiot!" Lizzie ran her fingers through her hair, and started jumping up and down.

I saw the glint of Skylar's glowing body, and started sprinting. A violent tremor shook the ground, making me lose my footing, and fall. I picked myself back up, and skidded across the ground on my knees.

I moved the rubble off Skylar, and lifted her head up with my hands. "Why'd you have to die? You could've just let me. I hate you Skylar, why'd you have to leave me?" I pulled her against my chest, while I heard Lizzie stomping towards me.

"Seto, grab her and let's go!" I squeezed the tears from my eyes, and gently picked her up. Her body was limp, and just lifeless. Lizzie pulled my arm, and we ran through the building, towards the exit.

The building started shaking, and glowing. We picked up the pace, and I felt my feet leave the ground. I tightened my grip on Skylar, and the building exploded behind us. Lizzie and I were tossed out of the building violently, and onto the grass.

There were screams of people, and sirens, but I could barely hear them. I looked to the side and saw the building was gone. My head started stinging, and I reached my hand up, and felt the sticky substance of blood.

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