Chapter 5

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Kinda shortish. Eh...

~Seto's POV~ (for a little bit)

I woke to the smell of pancakes. Which is new to me, since I hardly ever make myself, breakfast, unless it's cereal. I swung my legs over the bed, and went to my closet. I grabbed a random t-shirt, and changed into slacks.

I checked the time on my alarm clock, and saw that it was only 8 in the morning. I opened my bedroom door, and looked over at Skylar's room. Everything was set up, and looked like she had been living there for years. The windows were cracked open, so a light breeze was coming in through the room.

I went into the kitchen and saw Skylar had hooked up a small radio. I stood in the doorway and watched as she cooked. It was kinda fascinating, speaking as I've never seen anyone cook, but myself. Her hands moved quickly, making it hard to keep up with them.

I'll have to admit, she did look really pretty this morning, with her hair wrapped around in a small flower thing, and little bangs hanging in her face. I caught myself smiling, and stood back up in the doorway.

"Smells good." She whipped around and splattered batter all over herself. I started laughing and went over to a cupboard, and grabbed a towel. "Here, I don't really want to clean you up, speaking as it's.... There." She giggled and started wiping herself off.

"I've never had pancakes, except for when I was little." Skye dropped the towel in her hands. "You serious?" I nodded, and her jaw dropped even farther. "You, Seto. Have not lived." I chuckled and took one of the cooked pancakes from the plate. I took a bite, and then instantly took another, and another, till the whole thing was gone.

"Holy cow, those are good!" Skylar nodded and handed me another one. "I didn't know you worshiped cows?" I stopped my bite, and looked at her. "You said holy cow. You worship cows?" I laughed and shook my head. "No. My friend hates them." Skylar gasped and covered her mouth.

"You have friends?" I punched her playfully on the arm. "Oh, shut it." She started laughing, and took the cooked pancakes off the skillet. She took three for herself, and handed me another one. I gladly took it and bit into it. "This hereby pancake, is mine. And I guess so is this one." I licked the other one, making her crack up even more.

"I never knew how much fun a roommate would be." Skylar poured some syrup over her pancakes and looked at me. "Why? Cause you get to hear jokes?" I shook my head. "No. Cause I get pancakes." I said taking another bite.

~Skylar's POV~

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Seto. Man, he was cute today. Wait, I only did meet him yesterday... Poop socks. "So do you want to?" I shook my heads to clear my thoughts. "What?" Seto chuckled and took another bite. "Do you want to practice levitation today?" I nodded excitedly. "Who wouldn't?" He shrugged. "A pancake." He threw the pancake up in the air, and made it freeze.

"Hereby, levitation." I frowned and thinking, I saw this in a movie once, I snapped my fingers. The pancake went flying across the room, and stuck to a wall. Seto looked at me, clearly amazed. "I saw that in a movie once." He chuckled and made the pancake come back to him. He took another bite, and then made it float again. "Do that again." I shrugged and snapped my fingers. Once again it went flying.

"That's awesome! It took me forever to get something to fly across the room." I smirked and took a bite of my pancake. Suddenly not interested in it anymore, I pushed it away. "You ready?" I looked at at Seto and grinned. "More ready than I'll ever be." He grabbed my plate, and made it teleport to the sink.

I rolled my eyes and followed him towards the stairs. "Now that's what I call lazy." He stuck his tongue out at me. He opened the door, and jumped down the stairs. "ARE YOU CRAZY?" I yelled down to him. I heard him start laughing. "No. I'm Seto!" I rolled my eyes and got down on my hands and knees. "Is it safe?" I heard him yell, yes, and to jump. I obeyed and jumped down. Everything was dark, till I saw the ground.

"SETO! THERES NO CUSHION!" I covered my head, and landed on something soft. I opened my eyes and looked down. "My gawd, Seto! Don't do that!" He chuckled and helped me up. The cloud I had landed on, disappeared.

"Ok. So how exactly am I supposed to practice?" Seto went over to the corner and flipped on a switch. "Like this!" He wrapped his arms around me, like he did last night, and started guiding my hands. I felt that same tingling feeling I did last night, and felt my stomach start to hurt. I don't like this feeling, it makes me feel sick.

"You ok?" I nodded and tried to focus on the lesson, but my mind wouldn't let me keep focus. I sighed, mentally, and cleared all my thoughts, with some difficulty. "Skye. Are you sure your ok?" I nodded. "Yeah. My minds just having a hard time focusing." Seto smiled and moved back.

"Close your eyes." I eyed him suspiciously before closing them. I felt his hands come down on my head, and all my thoughts left, but the lesson. "Aw, thank goodness!" He chuckled and we got back to the lesson. I was able to think more clearly now.

~Lil Skip~

"Try it now." Seto chucked the ball up in the air, and I held my hand up, to catch it. Instead I brought all my focus onto the baseball. I was afraid it was going to hit me, but it stopped right above my hand. Seto started clapping. "Good! You got that down." I sighed in relief.

"Want to take an hour break, and go to the woods? We've been working for two hours, your brain needs to cool down." I nodded. Finally, a break! I had a feeling my head was going to explode!

I grabbed my jacket, and met Seto out on the back deck. "Could you take me to that place you were at in the trees? The one where you found my hat?" I nodded and took off running into the trees. "I meant wait for me!" Seto called after me, clearly laughing. I sighed and stopped in my tracks, making him run into me. "Ow." He said nonchalantly, rubbing his nose.

"Here. Let me get ahead, and then you teleport to me." Seto grabbed my arm and shook his head. "You teleport us." My eyes widened and I shook my head. "I don't know how." He chuckled. "A quick lesson. Then we get a longer break." I sighed and he grabbed my hands. Great, that feeling was back.

"Ok, so basically you just have to clear your mind, and think of a place. You have to stay focused on that place, otherwise you will be split apart. That happened to Merlin. He was thinking of one place, but changed his mind at the last second." I gulped and squeezed his hands tight.

"Just picture the hut. And then ask to be there." I felt my hands trembling as I got ready. Think, clear you mind. Only think of the hut. I squeezed my eyes shut and pictured the hut. 'I wish to go there.' I felt my body being lifted up, off the ground. 'Hut! Hut! Hu..!' We landed in the hut floor, and I felt lightheaded.

"Woah. Here Skylar sit down. Now I know what you mean. It does make you feel nauseous getting teleported. Especially if your the one not thinking." I nodded, and held my head. I swung my arm down, and made the curtains fly open. Seto chuckled and came over next to me.

"That's going to take some time to fix." I nodded and stared at my hand. "Will it always do that?" Seto shrugged. "Try it again. Don't think of anything." I did what he said, and nothing happened. "Ok. Only temporarily." I yawned and leaned back in the hut, against the wall.

"That training tired you out!" Seto nodded and sat down next to me. I yawned again and closed my eyes for just a moment, and ended up falling asleep. I only woke up once, and that was when I felt myself being teleported, and it being night. We trained, or I slept, for that long? Jeez! This is going to be hard to adjust to.








~Skylar Out!~

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