Chapter 3

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Date: (Published) 5-3-14 (Edited) 3-20-17

~Skye's POV~

"SKYLAR! LET'S GO!" I groaned and grabbed my phone, earbuds, and I slipped the ring on, jumping back as it flashed purple and started to adjust itself to fit my finger.

I started clawing at the ring, but it wouldn't come off, and I must have been making a lot of noise, because pretty soon my door opened.

There stood my mom, with Kenna right beside her.

"Sky-What are you doing?" I gestured to ring. "Trying to get this blasted ring off!" My mom raised her eyebrows.

"Uh. What ring?" I looked down at my hand, the ring was still there.

"The ring on my finger!" My mom gave me a questioning look and came over to me, grabbing my hand, as she shook her head.

"Nothing's there Skylar. Are you feeling alright?" My mouth hung open.

How could she not see it?

"Maybe you should just stay home, and rest up. I'll record the show, so you can see it later." My mom grabbed Kenna's hand, and led her out as I stood there watching.

Why can't she see it?!

I groaned and fell backwards onto my bed, needing to clear my mind.

I jumped back up, gabbed my phone, earbuds, and my journal, and waited till I saw my parents car disappear down the driveway, before I opened my window, and climbed out.

I looked over at my dad's friends, and saw them parking the mower in the garage, then I stuck a glance at my friends house.

The lights were off in the house, again, as they never seemed to be home anymore.

I'm pretty sure they moved away.

I never see them.

I went to the edge of the woods and sat against the tree bark, taking out my journal.

I started doodling on the corner of my paper, not caring if it was legible or not. I heard leaves rustling behind me, and I quickly diverted my attention to it. (I just used three of my vocab words! PROUD OF ME TEACHER!?)

A doe, and her young fawn, were nestled in the bushes. I gently set my journal down and turned back to them. The deers ears suddenly perked up, and it directed its attention to something hidden farther in the woods. I craned my neck, and stood up, my legs stiff. I heard a low growling sound, and then a wolf launched itself out of the trees. Strait at me.

I jumped back in surprise, and held my hands up. As I jerked my arms up, a cloud of blue smoke, billowed around me, and the deer. I screamed sending the wolf crashing back through the forest, but also attracting something else.

I felt a hand land on my shoulder, and I quickly sunk to the ground and covered my head. "Gawd no!" I started rocking back and forth, when I felt someone crouch down next to me. I just now realized that it had started raining. I lifted my head up, and jumped back in shock.

"Your that boy I saw in the woods." The boy nodded and held his hand out to me. I hesitated before taking it, letting him pull me up. He looked around him and then towards the sky. He seemed to be pleading with the sky for a moment, but then looked back down. The rain started to slow down around us. What the...

"Ok, I know we just met, but you have to come with me." I yanked my hand away from him, and took a step back. He took one forward. We continued this method, until I was right on the edge of the small river, that leads trough the woods. My foot hit the bank of the river, and I started to slip in. I felt someone's arm wrap around my waist, and pull me back up. The boy.

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