Chapter 11

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(Omg. So I'm 1,300 votes away from 10,000! AHHHHHHHHHH! If we can reach 10K by December 17th, which is exactly one year since I joined wattpad, I'll do whatever you guys want me to do! AND! IM SO CLOSE TO 600 FOLLOWERS! IF, AND I SAY IF. If we reach 600 by my birthday, same rule applies above! October 12th! Challenge Accepted? 😉)

~Skylar's POV~

"Any day now!" Girls were always squealing every time they came past Seto or I. "Any day for what exactly?" Jamie just shrugged, and giggled to herself. "You'll know when time comes." I raised an eyebrow, and looked back at Seto.

He was talking to his mom, catching up on anything they had missed. It's been a couple weeks since he found out she was alive, and they won't leave each other's side.

I sighed as we stopped at the training area, but Seto and his mom went right past. I clenched my fists, and exhaled sharply. I shouldn't be mad. I'd probably act the same way if it was me.

If just irritates me a little, speaking as he used to always hang out with me, and now. He never even acknowledges me! "Skylar! Heads up!" I turned around just in time to see a plasma bolt come right at my face.

I was thrown backwards, and landed with a huge clatter. "AH! SKYLAR!" A bunch of the people staying here ran toward me, but all I could see was white, and my head felt like it was going to explode.

I groaned, which actually turned out to be a yelp, and heard more footsteps. "SETO! SETO, COME QUICK!" My entire body ached, and every time I moved a muscle, another yelp escaped my lips.

"Oh my gawd, what happened to her?" I felt a cold hand placed against my face, and I clenched my eyes shut again. "One of the plasma bolts went haywire!" The voice sounded like Jamie's, but I couldn't tell over the ringing in my ears.

"Well we need to do something! She could die!" Someone placed their arms under my back, and I groaned again. "Sorry Skye, it's ok, you won't die. We'll do something." Someone pulled the hair away from my face, and then everything was quiet. Too quiet...

"Seto. We can't do anything. Hardly anybody lives past one plasma bolt, it's very rare... The best we can do is just get her to the infirmary, and hope that she makes it... I don't know what else to do!"

"You think she can't make it? She's strong enough, but there has to be something you can do! She can't die." Everything was a whisper now, I couldn't focus on anything.

"Skylar... Skylar! SKYLAR!?" I was vaguely aware of Seto slapping my face, trying to keep me awake. "Seto, let go. We have to put her in the room." "SHES DYING, AND YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT JUST LEAVING HER TO SIT IN A ROOM!?"

Suddenly I heard something thump next to me, and I was moved off the ground. I didn't hear Seto talking anymore, which made me suspicious. But before I could question anymore, something was poked into my neck, and i only saw black.

"Shhh. Guys! I think she's waking!" I opened my eyes, and everything was blurry. "Everything's... Fu..... Ing... Blurry." I was still tired, and my mouth felt numb, making my words slur.

"SETO! SETO!" Someone ran out of the room, and then a bunch of footsteps, definitely more than two people. "Move. Move!" Someone started to help me sit up, and I felt a pain jolt though my entire body.

"Gah." I grabbed my head, which hurt the most. "Sorry. I'm sorry. How are you feeling?" "Like sh.." "Shhhhhh. Don't cuss here." I pinched the bridge of my nose, and my head stopped hurting a bit.

"You've been out for almost a month Skylar. They thought you were never going to wake up." I could tell it was Seto now, since everyone else was being quiet.

"I bet you guys saw this little incident in your future scopes?" My heart started to race again, my entire body shaking. "No... Well yes. But her outcome was different..."

"I WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE!?" "No! Sh. Sh. Shh!" Seto put his hand against my mouth, and then sighed. "Sh." He muttered again, making me crack a smile.

"Can you see, Skylar?" I heard Jamie's voice, and then the bed sunk down. "Not really..." I tried to open my eyes again, and still saw blurry things everywhere. The most I could make out was a figure sitting across from me, in a black jacket.

"Who's..." I reached my hand out to the person, and felt cold long fingers intertwine with mine. "Oh... It's Seto." He chuckled and pulled his hand free, but after lingering a little longer.

"Here Skylar. Try these on." Someone handed me a pair of glasses, and it had to have help getting them on, since I apparently don't have good depth perception either.

I got them on, and smiled. "I take it you can see?" Seto chuckled, and I turned my attention to him, getting caught off guard. "You look..." "Different? I know. I surprised myself." His voice had changed a little bit also.

Seto was smiling to himself, while I just looked around the place I was in. Jamie, Seto, and three other people were the only ones in here, besides me of course.

"I hate to break it to you Skylar, but Jamie and a couple of others have located the 'threat' just a few blocks from our old house. They used a tracking device, and discovered its next hide out spot. We have three days before we have to go and get rid of it."

"And if I'm not back up on my feet correctly?" "Then we wait. You should be though... I think." He stood up and stretched his hand out of me to take. I pulled myself up, and my back popped, sending a wave of pain and relief over me. "Woah. Gotcha." Seto smirked and pulled his arm around my back, supporting most of my weight. Or all of it...

"Let's go get something to eat, we tried to get you to eat while you were out, just in case, but nothing would stay down..." I nodded and in response my stomach sent out the whales mating call.

Seto rolled his eyes and laughed, while my face turned bright red. "Hurry. Before all the good food gets taken." We walked into the giant dinning area, and all talking ceased.

"Oh... Did someone die?" I whispered to Seto, who shrugged and we shuffled our feet slowly to the lunch counter. Everyone's eyes were on us, the second Seto handed me my tray, talking started back up.

"SHE'S BACK. SHE'S NOT DEAD." Was what most of the conversation I heard, as we made way towards our table, were about. "So everyone thought I was dead?" Seto nodded and helped me sit down, my back instantly becoming sore.

"Bet everyone thinks I'm a freaking ghost now." I giggled to myself, and Seto swung his arm across me, it hitting the side if my neck. "You aren't a ghost." He frowned and got back to eating his salad.

"Skylar. Seto! Change of plans. You have to leave tonight. Merlin's changing his location tomorrow, and he's going half way around the world." Seto looked over at and sighed.

"Want to leave in a couple hours?" However much I didn't want to go, I agreed.

"Good. We'll gather up the campers, and see if there's anything we can do to helps before you go. Hope you guys do well." I bit the inside of my lip and nodded.

So do I.... So. Do. I.







~Skylar Out!~

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