Yes He Was My Friend #11

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“...and thats what happened.” Maddie’s mouth had dropped, she punched my arm. I didn’t flinch. Ever since my incident with Lindsay, “I think he likes you.” I paused and starred at the blank wall, 

“Maybe, but what about Caitlin?” Maddie rolled her eyes, 

“Well if you stayed for the whole thing, Justin bailed in the middle of showing her the house and asking Sean to then he went to find you!” I felt my jaw drop. Maddie pushed it up with her hand, 

“So you haven’t kissed?” I shook my head,

“Wait you know you said you had your first kiss in Canada and it was with your best friend, were you referring to…?” I nodded still speechless. She squealed, “So it was a romance.” I chuckled, 

“Well if you want to think that if you want.” 

She sighed, “You know when he leaves you probably wont see him for a long time.” I chugged the rest of my iced tea shooting for the recycle bin, dunking it perfectly. 

“Ya I know…” Before I could finish there was foot steps behind use. “You ready to go?” Justin came around the counter standing in front of us. I nodded and jumped off, Maddie right behind me, 

“I am pooped I need to take a shower.” I laughed gesturing for Maddie to jump on my back. She gladly took the offer and jumped on. “Thank you.” 

“You welcome.” I stuck my tongue out at Justin as he laughed. “Hey Sean were gonna head out.” Sean and Usher walked in Beers in hands, “Okay Bieber see ya soon hopefully.” They did there handshake, “See ya later Lexie and…is she asleep.” I looked up at Maddie who was limped over my shoulder open mouth. 

“Ya she is, but I wanna get her in the car before she starts drooling on my shoulder. Anyway Ya I hope to see you soon.” I shifted Maddie letting one of my hands free. Sean and I did our new secret handshake. It’s short, but cool. 

“Bye Usher, hope to see ya soon.” I raised my eyebrows. He smiled and nodded, “See ya Lexie.” Justin and Usher said goodbye and we walked to the limo, “That was fun.” I said changing the position of Maddie on my back. Justin opened the door, “To bad it ended.” I smiled and scoot Maddie into the Limo slowly making sure not to wake her. 

The Limo ride was quiet we only said a few things, “So when are you leaving?” I rested my head on the head rest looking at Justin across from me.

“I’m leaving to Japan in two hours.” My mouth dropped, “Really thats kind of sudden.” He nodded, “I get to sleep on the ride there so thats an 18 hour flight.” I nodded and looked out the window. “How long will it be till I see you again?” 

“I have no could be a couple of years or month.” He shrugged. I sighed looking over at Maddie who was sound asleep. 

I stood at the door to Maddie’s bug, Maddie in the passengers seat still asleep. I woke her up and we walked over there, but I think she was sleep walking.

“I guess this is goodbye.” I said quietly, he nodded and took my hands, “I guess.” he took me in a hug wrapping his warm arms around me. I wrapped mine around his waist. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. 

Maddie’s snoring broke the hug, I pulled away looking down, “Bye.” I sighed and looked into his eyes, tears now streaming down my face. His face was blank. “I will think about you everyday.” He whispered in my ear. I smiled and he smiled back. 

I climbed in the car turned the key and sped back to my house. 

Chapter 6: Hello, Goodbye

I stuffed the piece of toast into my mouth and chewed it till it was like saw dust. Maddie had left thirty minutes earlier, she has stacks of homework. 

I heard the creek of my mom’s door and new she was awake, “Morning Mom.” it sounded a little deformed when I have a piece of toast in my mouth. She walked in wearing her pink rode hair sticking straight up, “Couldn’t sleep she asked me?” My mom can always tell, I’m not sure how. I nodded grabbing my glass of orange juice.

“Me neither, I have had the worst writers block.” She hoped up on the counter stool resting her elbow bows on the table, “Lexie are you feeling ok you seem, speechless.” 

I looked up from orange juice glass and starred in her eyes, I looked back down. I can’t let her see into my mind. My whole life I have thought for sure my Mom can read my mind, “Is it Justin?” And she got it on the dot. I walked over to the stool next to her and put my head face down on the counter, “I don’t know what to do.” My mom put her hand on my back.

“Lexie what happened? Please tell me.” I love my mom to pieces, and I can tell her anything. I started with the concert and ended at the ending car scene. “and I was up all night staring at the ceiling.” She took a sip of her coffee that she had made during my long story. 

“This like so much for a girl your age to handle.” I nodded, “And he said a few months?” 

“Or years, he didn’t know.” My mom looked at me and sighed, “I guess for now you will just have to get through it and when the time comes you will see him again.” I stood up and started pacing back and forth from the dining room table to the counter. 

“What if I don’t see for another five years!” I threw my arms in the air. 

“Lexie don’t worry. I know you can get through it, you just have to try. Do the same thing as you before.” She stood up and walked into her room no other word leaving me standing there to die.

Yes He was My Friend- JB Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now