Yes He Was My Friend # 15

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“Lexie… That was… Beautiful, I’m speechless. I’ve never heard any voice like yours. I insist you join our class, we need a singer like you.” He smiled and pushed his glasses up.

I sighed, “Thank you.” He looked at the wall. “You know this year were having a little project where each person writes and records a song and then the winner will preform it at the end of the year talent show.”

“Who else in in the class?” I asked standing up.

“Well, there’s twelve people in the class, the list is on the board over there.” I looked at the board he was pointing at, well the people I new were tobey and his friends (there in the band together), also there was Lisa, but I don’t know her that well. Some other guys I don’t know, a few girls to and then right there in front of my face I saw one name, that was Lindsay Peterson.

When I read that I felt my heart jump. I noticed that if I enter this class I enter her turf. The popular turf. I turned to Mr. Rivera who was at his desk eating a bowl of top ramon. I smiled, “I’m in.” He sucked a noodle up and smiled up at me.

“Lovely, with you in the class this will be fun. Lexieyou are an amazing singer better than any student I’ve had before, I just want you know that.” I nodded and turned towards the door as the bell rang.

The Next Day:

“Winter break is starting today after school and its hot as hell. How is that possible.” Maddie sat next to Malcolm leaning back on the bleachers, I was t right and down one.

“I have no Idea Especially because this Seattle… The rainy state.” Malcolm explained in his miserable state. I sat with my book in front of me, I was rereading the city of ember.

“It’s because of Global Warming.” I looked up at them and smiled, They stared at me.

“Lexieare you even breaking a sweat?” Maddie sat up. I shook my head

“Nope not at all, it used to get so much hotter in Canada, so this is like normal up there.

“How could you handle that and weren’t the winters horrible?”

“Ya the winters were awesome the snow sometimes blocked our doors and when we could go out we use the take our snowboards and board down the hill a few blocks down or we would use the garbage can lids and sled down.” I looked back down at my book. I heard Maddie Sigh.

“Was that with Justin?” Maddie Laid back down.

“Everything that has to do with Canada has to do with Justin.” I chuckled. She looked up at Malcolm. They started a conversation I didn’t really want to listen in on.

The footballers were playing in the field. I would hate to practice in this whether. I hate Seattle because it hardly snows during the winter just rain or sun.

I stood up and walked down the benches and stood on the edge of the field. I was watching the guys running back and forth playing around. I was so blanked out I didn’t notice when something hit my legs.

“Hey Lexie” I looked up and All of them were looking at me. I looked at my feet to see the ball sitting right in front of my feet. I bent down and picked up setting my book down. It was a wierd situation because the whole football team was starring at me. 

I squeezed the ball in my hand, I remembered all the good times of playing football with Justin and Ryan. I sighed and stepped back. Stepping forward throwing the ball in a perfect spiral. Hit landed all the way across the field and in Max the quarter back arms. They all starred. I felt a hand on my shoulder and then a loud whistle blew in my ear. I jumped.

Yes He was My Friend- JB Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now