Yes He was my Friend #24

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Hey so I am sincerley sorry... I know I upload like every molenium. We just had finals and so I have a few days off and I thought of well maybe I should post something for the people of are actually reading haha so here is a continuing piece, I must say I am so close to finishing. I just have to put some time into it. THANK YOU ALL!! SO MUCH!! I love you few people who have stuck wit this story... well I love you all but you know hehe

Oh and yes I have it all written out  but I just havent posted it because I dont want to post it at once and I wrote it a hell of a long time ago.... which would explain why hes singing baby... :)


Chapter 12: To many fans

         I stood to the side as Justin got his hat and his mic. He looked at me and smiled his breath taking smile. I still can't believe he likes me... me the ordinary girl. Passing the thought out of my head watching as he pointed to the side of the stage. “Be there.” He mouthed to me. He already told Dan he was pulling me out during one of the songs, so I had to do this, no way I back down down.

         I stood there as he ran out on stage, lights streaming everywhere. It reminded me of when we were home, but he was younger and I hated him. His small legs running down the street, hockey stick in hand, a group of guys chasing behind him. The sun blindingly bright in our faces. But now instead of a group of smallboys chasing him, screaming after him theres was thousands of crazy teenage girls screaming for his attention. I think would rather have the boys.

         He sang his new song called “Baby.” I remember everyone was so excited because it came out then he announced he had a new album coming out in about a month. I watched him dance and sing. He sang Down to Earth. Then he started singing “one time.”

         I watched him walk across the stage over to me. He held out his hand. looking at it in anciety, not wanting to ablige. Smiling jokingly at me he grabbed my hand and pulled me out. I walked out behind him looking at all the people standing in the crowd. I felt like I was going to faint, like my legs were going to collapse under me. He led me over over to a small stool in the middle of the immensley large stage . I was blinded the flashes of cameras going off and the heat of the lights above making me sweat like a hog.

         Justin put his arm around my shoulder. Feeling his touch comforted me, telling me it was alright, I smiled looking in his eyes as he sang his heart out.

And girl you're my one love, my one heart, My one life for sure, Let me tell you one time, (Girl, I love, girl I love you), I'ma tell you one time , (Girl, I love, girl I love you), And I'ma be your one guy, You'll be my #1 girl, Always making time for you, I'ma tell you one time, (Girl, I love, girl I love you) I'ma tell you one time, (Girl, I love, girl I love you)…

         I felt so happy. He went behind me bringing out some gorgouse red roses and handed them to me. Kissing me softly on my cheek, as they flushed a nice shade of pink.

         “I love you.” He whispered in my ear. After the song was finished and the cheering died down to a low scream, he led me off stage. He kissed my lips softly and ran back out. I can’t believe he just sang to me, I was still in shock watching him continue to perform. Now how many girls can say Justin Bieber sang to them... Justin Bieber... that name is so huge around the entire world and to me its just one person, one person I've known my entire life. It is so strange to think he is so huge and... how this relationship is going to be the hardest thing I will ever probably have to deal with... great. But it is definitley worth it.

         I am utterly, Swear on my life in love with that boy and for the first time he is in love with me.

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