Yes He was my Friend- #6

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Chapter 3: Nice to be Back

Saved by the bell. Since all three of the girls are such goody goody’s, they stopped in there tracks and walked off to class not saying a single word. They left me laying there in front of the bleachers with a black eye, blood every where and maybe a few sprained ribs.

I lay there for what seemed like an hour until a group of guys walked around the bleachers, I recognized a few of them. They were the guys who were in a band and wore black and leather and always looked punk rock. Tobey was the main singer and he noticed me first. He stopped the group and pointed. I was to tired and beat up to say anything.

“Lexie?” Tobey walked over and knelt down next to me. I moaned slightly.

“Who did this to you.” I opened one eye to look at him, “Lindsay.” I finally got enough energy to say that one name. “Help” Tobey nodded stood up and slid his arms underneath me lifting me like they do in movies. I dont think in this situation has caring me threw the foray after our wedding.

We got to the nurse’s office and he set me on the rock filled bed with the pillow made out of a pillow case and newspaper shreds. The nurse gasped at the site of me. “What happened.” Tobey stepped back and stared at me. I closed my eyes and held my rib cage curling into a little ball. “I found her in front of the bleachers, the only thing she said was... Lindsay.” I felt a hand on my side.

“Thank you for bringing her in Tobey, but would you do one more thing, would you go get the principle and tell her to come in here.” I heard foot steps leaving the room and walking down the hall to where Ms. Stubin’s office is. Ms. Stubin’s voice is the loudest thing ever. You could here her a mile away.

“Thank You Tobey.”

A pair of foot steps walked down the hall and stop at the door, “Oh my goodness.” Ms. S gasped probably at the revolting site of me. “Lexie Who did this to you.” I heard her high heals come across the room. I winced as I turned to my back to look at her. I swallowed, “Lindsay, Sarah and Kate” She nodded and rested her hand on her chin as if she was that thinking statue. She closed her eyes and shook her head,

“What is going on in this school, first you and now Lindsay... Well, I better call her down and I hope you heal up soon Ms. Soriano.” She nodded and turned towards the door.

“Thank you” I said quietly.

The nurse bandaged up my side and cleaned up the blood on my face. The damage really wasn’t that bad it just looked and felt horrible. “Lexie you get some rest and I will tell the front office that you will be out the rest of the day. oh and I should call you parents to tell then what’s up” I nodded and closed my eyes.

Dreams are always something to look forward to, most of the time anyway, but the dream I had while laying there was a memory I didn’t really want to return to right then. My past life. From when I lived in Stratford, Ontario Canada.

It was maybe a month before I moved to Seattle. I was sitting on my porch during the summer on July 12th. I was turning 10 in October. I was changing the wheel on my beat up skateboard (I used be such a dare devil...who says I’m still not) I remember he walked over and sat next to me, “Hey” He said looking at my skate board,

“You got new wheels?” I looked up and smiled my small childish smile. “Ya my mom got them for me after I ruined the other ones crashing into the big maple.” We both laughed thinking of the joyful memory, the he who was my best friend and I was his while I was there said,

“I want you to come over to my house were having a barbeque and my mom wanted me to get you and your mom” I jumped up and walked to the,

“Come on.” He hoped up and followed, I was watching use being merely less than four feet tall. I told my mom and we walked to the barbeque, use always walking side my side. We got to the barbeque, both our family’s there. We hung out with our friends from school and we all made up funny dance moves and did tricks on the little ramp he had.

After dark everyone one sat around the little fire pit out side and made smores. Instead He and I made our way to the top of his tree in the back yard. We were looking out at the glowing moon in the sky. I will alway remember that moment one of the last moment I would have had with my best friend since I was born 7 months after him.

“Lexie have you had your first kiss.” I snorted keeping my eyes up, “You know if I had I would have told you.” I looked over at him, with his skin glowing and his hair sticking every which way. That was when he was growing his hair out and he was at an awkward stage.

“I haven’t and I would have told you.” I smiled, my cheeks turning red. I know here we were at 9 and ten years old talking about this stuff but, I guess we were...different. He had an amazing voice he would sing for me and I would record and he would put it up on the family site. I felt his hand grab mine.

“Why do you have to leave!” I looked up in shock, he’s never like think, I shrugged. “Lexie I know this sounds weird, but I always imagined my first kiss to be with you...” my eyes grew wide as he said this. I smiled shyly and answered,

“Same with me.” I blushed again.

I saw he leaned in a little staring in my eyes, thats when it happened the first time our lips touched and the last time.

I felt a a hand touch my shoulder, “Lexie.” my eyes shot open, the dirty white color of the ceiling in my few. I looked over to see Maddie had pulled up a chair and was sitting next to me. She smiled, “Those bitch’s.” She finally said. I chuckled and stretched my arms up,


Sorry for any spelling mistakes

Thanks for reading!

I kind of already wrote a lot so I'm just transfering it onto here!

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