Yes He Was My Friend #20

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“I tried to have a decent conversation then this happened.” Justin motioned for them to set me down. I scratched my head.

“You are going to get it.” I pointed at the still guard.

“Come on.” Justin said, he grabbed my hand that was pointing at the guard.

“You have to see this place.” I looked behind use at the guards following use.

“Oh now you move.” I yelled. Justin took me in the elevator and pressed 1. We went down for a while. He led me through the lobby. I was freaking out because there was people screaming and he was trying to get through the guards were holding off millions of girls and even guys.

“Who is she!” A lot of the girls yelled. It made me feel bad. 

“How do you get used to this.” There was paparazzi taking pictures of use and finally we got to door that he pulled me in. There was no one there. The guards stayed out  to make sure nobody. I turned from closing the door and stopped. 

I looked all around me. We were surrounded by water. The water reflected on the floor. 

“This is where I shot Never Let You go.” I looked over at Justin who was standing in the corner look at me. I finally got a chance to look at what he is wearing. He had on blue jeans and a black shirt with a brown button up short sleeve shirt over, He had the button only a little up. He was wearing his dog tags and his white watch. With of course his red high tops.

“Wow.” I said walking forward mesmerized by the fish swimming by they were bigger than me, I saw a few sharks swimming by and some jelly fish, too.

I looked over and saw the same gate the girl walked through in the video.

“Hey this is the gate the walk in through in the video.” He smiled. I walked through it and saw more aquarium. 

“I guess this is kind of like the backstage tour.” I walked back through. He was leaning against the glass watching me.

“How long has it been?” He asked. I stopped and turned towards the glass looking down.

“A little over a year.” I put my hands on the glass. Thinking of what the girl did in the video. He walked over and rested next to looking at me again. I swallowed. I finally looked into his eyes.

“It’s been to long.” He took my hand off the glass. I smiled shyly. He pulled me of the glass and into the middle of the floor. Then he turned and pulled me through a long hallway made of stone.

“This is the other part of the video.” I said really amazed. He turned and looked at me.

“Ya it is.” He brought me to a long flight off stairs and grabbed my hand tight as we strolled up the stairs. 

“This is where we shot the dance scene.” We stood at the top, in front a big wooden circle with stone pillars around. I walked forward pulling him along. 

“Its so big.” I looked up at the ceiling which had a big Merrill of Atlantis the lost city. Justin Spun me around and pulled me into his chest. Any girl would wish for this moment especially with Justin Bieber. He pulled my arm up to his shoulder wrapping it around his neck.

“Dance with me.” He whispered. In my ear.

“There’s no music.” I smiled at him our faces maybe two inches away.

“Well, we got to do something about that.” he smiled reaching into his front pocket pulling out his iphone. It took him a second to pick a song. Never Let you Go started playing out of the phone. He stuck it in his pocket speakers up.

Justin spun me again. He took my hands and we intwined fingers swaying back and fourth. He started to sing along to the song. 

There’s a dream 

That I’ve been chasing

Want so badly for it to be reality

And when you, hold my hand

Then I understand

That it’s meant to be 

Cuz Baby when you’re with me

It’s like an angel came by and took me from heaven

It’s like you took me from heaven girl

Cuz when I stare in your eyes

I couldn’t be better

I dont wan you to go oh no so...

I wrapped my hands around his neck and he rested his on my waist we went in circles. I laid my head down and listened to him singing in my ear.

I lifted my head and looked in his eyes smiled. He spun me around again slowly. This was one of the best days of life so far.

The music ended, we were still stuck together. I lifted my head he looked at me. He leaned forward, I smiled and ran my hand up his back till I got to his thick soft hair. I leaned in. Finally after all these years our lips met and we stayed in one position for a seconds then our lips were moving together I ran my hands through his hair he wrapped his arms around me and spun me I stopped kissing him and smiled I looked over at the aquarium seeing a big whale.

“Look!” I yelled, “A whale!” I jumped out of his arms and bounded down the stairs he was on my tale. I almost slammed into the glass.

“Wow!” I said as it past it was so big. Justin came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder. Our body’s sandwiched together.

“Lexie.” I had my hands on the glass looking at the bottom of the whale.

“Ya.” I said turning in his grip to face him. I was up against the glass him leaning on me. 

“I’m sorry if that went to fast.” I smiled and lifted up the dog tags and reading them.

“Justin it’s been 16 years how much slower could it go.” He laughed and leaned in to kiss me I put my hand on his face kissing him back. I opened my eyes and turned again. He moaned. 

“Bye whale.” I waved as the whale swam away.

I turned again and starred in his eyes. His dark brown eyes. 

“LexieI think I’m in love with. Your the first girl I feel like I can say that to.” I smiled. 

“I’ve loved you since we kissed in the tree back home.” He nodded. I grabbed his wrist looking at the time. 5:36.

“Well I think we should head back.” He turned and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the door.

“What’s the rush.” He kept pulling

“My concert is in an hour and I need to be there by 6 to practice.” I walked faster to catch up.

“Oh ok.” We left the room and there were even more people he held my hand tighter pulling my through. A guy holding a camera jumped in from taking pictures of use.

Yes He was My Friend- JB Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now