Yes He Was My Friend #13

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I was shocked to see Aaron and his football friends walking toward me. I smiled sliding my black leather gloves off my hands and places them in the apartment under the seat. 

They looked at me and down at my bike. “When did you get a bike?” He asked staring me up and down. What did I spill something on me.

“For my sixteenth birthday yesterday.” I grabbed the keys out of my bike and stuck them in my back pocket. I walked around them. “Oh happy birthday.” I stopped and turned. 

“...Thanks.” Why is Aaron Jennings being so nice all of a sudden. “Okay I give up.” I said giving him and his friends a sly glance. 

“What do you mean.” Aaron and his three friends shifted. Like they were a big magnet.

“Why are you being so nice? You never have before.” I stuck my hands in my front pockets, staring at my feet. “Is this because of Justin?” I looked up and starred hi in the eyes for the first time and for the first time I noticed they were bright green. 

He shook his head and motioned for his friends to leave and being his pets they did. He laughed walking forward and placing his arms around my shoulder, I tightened up and starred forward. What the hell is he up to. “Lexielets get out of the parking lot.” I nodded and we walked up the stairs to Nordstroms.

After a little of his avoiding the question, he bought me a smoothie and made me laugh a few times. Which freaked me out a bit. We were sitting at a table in the food court and we were talking like we were good friends. I finally broke out my question again,

“Aaron?” He looked up I leaned forward resting my head on my hands, with my elbows on the table. “Why are you being so nice? Because form what I know you are with Lindsay and…she hates me.” He took a huge gulp of his peach smoothie and then threw it into the garbage.

“Okay well the truth is…” I nodded and leaned in further. “I was wondering if… you would…get me and some other people into a celebrity party. I saw all the pictures of you and Maddie at Sean Kingston’s house and all the famous people…” I held up my hand, 

“Um… Aaron I can’t.” I looked at him with wide eyes. He leaned forward to, “Why not?” He chuckled

“Thats a once in a while thing.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I went to that one because Justin was in town and he took me and Maddie after his concert.”

“Why would you know Justin Bieber.” I tilted my head at him,

“Wait…you didn’t here about it?” He shook his head looking confused,

“Justin and I are old friends. We were neighbors our whole life till I moved here five years ago. We were best friends and I saw him after five years at the concert.” He leaned back running his hand through his brown hair.

“Wow, I didn’t know that.” I laughed again.

“Well I think you were the only one.”

“I should of known after I saw the video of you and him on Maddie’s twitter.” I froze and starred at him.

“What video?” He looked at me and looked behind me.

“Just look at her site and I have to go the guys are waving me over.” He stood up and grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair. “Lexie?” I looked up at him still in shock.

“Ya?” He starred in my eyes, I felt my heart beat fast in my chest. “You cannot tell anyone we were talking here. If Lindsay finds out I am dead.” I took a sip of my smoothie and nodded, “Ya okay, but tell me one thing.” He looked confused,

“Anything.” I sighed, “Do you think I’m a freak? Like everyone else.” He looked down at his hands, “Lexie… The only one who really thinks your a freak is Lindsay I have heard many good things about you from many people. Its just being Lindsay she…can get anyone to do anything she wants. She just thinks of you like that because your the only one in our class that wont listen to her.” I starred into his eyes and smiled biting my bottom lip.

“So she’s scared of me?” He nodded, “Ya I guess…ya.” I stood up slowly, “well that makes it different.” 

He laughed and turned, “You would have figured it all out if you talk to other people other than Maddie. You might figure out that a lot of guys like punk rock chicks who rides a motorcycle and wear black leather jackets. Well, the ones who aren’t afraid of that sort of that thing.” I laughed and threw my cup in the trash. He smiled and walked off. 

As he got to his friends he turned and waved. So did his friends. 

After looking through some of the stores I grabbed a cinnamon roll at cinnabon and ate it on my way back to my bike.

When I got home I grabbed my laptop off my desk and sat on my bed. What did Aaron mean about me and Justin on Maddie’s twitter? And why is he going on her twitter anyway. 

I pulled it up and went to her videos. I scrolled through few videos she had until I saw the name of one. “LexieCan Slow Dance!” Wow why did Maddie name a video that. OH MY GOD it has hundreds of views. I clicked on it and waited for it to load. 

I looked at the scenery of the video, it was at Sean Kingston’s house on his back deck. She was facing the camera toward two people slow dancing under the speakers, they were so close and smiling. The guys eyes were closed leaning his head on the girls head. Then he spun her. Looking closer I saw who it was. 

No duh, it was me and Justin. Maddie was recording it and then posted it on twitter…how lovely. If only she got me riding on Justin’s back or me wearing his soft leather jacket. I quickly closed out of the internet and shook my head. 

“No I can’t think of that now, not after all this time.”

Yes He was My Friend- JB Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now