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Anonymous, 11:00 pm 6/5


I planned to dump her body in the lake but a much better idea came to mind. I would send her decapitated body to them. So they could know that she was dead. Now I just had to write a note. If only I could've taken photos of her face when she realized it was me. The look of pure betrayal. Then I'd make a copy, one for them and one for me to remember always,

When I was finished, I sealed the note and put the knife I'd used inside. I put on a black cloak, put her into a black garbage bag, and dragged her to the camp. Who knew that bodies could be so heavy.

I set the bag down before putting the note just on top with the knife still inside.

I took off the cloak once I was back where I should be. I made sure to be quiet so no one would hear me. Now all I had to do was wait.

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