Ch. 6 You and me, forever we will be together |Art|

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Art, 3:00 pm 6/8


    When Kendall finally opened her eyes, I was huddled up in the crook of a tree. I had already seen the photo on her phone since I knew her password; Karl. I had already read the paragraph that was sent from Alli's phone.

    I couldn't get the image out of my head. The raft, covered in what looked like blood. The apparent heart floating inside...

It could have been anyone's heart. It could have been a fake even! Nothing could convince me that that was Collin's heart unless I saw Collin myself. Even if there was a huge possibility that it was Collin, I still needed solid proof.

    Kendall sat up and looked at me. She stared at me with a look I hadn't seen before. Hatred? Confusion? Or she could just be staring at me, which would be weird. Maybe that blackout did something to her brain.

    "Kendall, you're up. I was worried." I admitted.

    Instead of saying anything, she got up, grabbed her bag, and took my arm as she led me back to where I came from.

    "Oh, no. I came from there. We should go the other wa-"

    "I need to grab something." She interrupted.

    Loads of questions poured in as we walked through the woods. Why would she need to grab something if camp was the other way? And how did she know these woods so well? She took specific turns and seemed to recognize this place like she had been here before.

    I let about ten minutes go by until I grew impatient. Just as I stopped, she stopped with me.

    "Where are you taking me? What are you getting?" I questioned.

    "We're almost there." She informed.

    "No! I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where. I'm staying put right here." I shouted as I sat down on the ground.

    Her face grew annoyed. She huffed. "Fine. We are going to near here."

    "A house?" I crossed my arms, still not giving in. "And how do you know the whereabouts of this house?"

    She stared at me for a second before answering. "I have a map. I found it."

    "Nope. No no no. We are not going to follow a map some psycho drew out for us!" I yelled.

    She looked taken aback as if I had insulted her. "We are going to this house. There ar- probably are weapons there or something."

    I looked at her as if she were crazy. The Kendall I knew would never do that.

    "Well I'm not going to follow some sketchy map! And I'm not letting you make the same mistake that Collin did!"

    No reaction came from her.

    "Fine. It's just up here anyways. Stay here." She told me before leaving.

    This was all absurd. I knew I couldn't let her go alone and get herself killed but then again, I could be coming close to death again.

    I sighed and followed along. I made sure to keep my distance though. These deaths and disappearances have really done a lot to her. She herself even looked a little coo-coo with her crazy hair with twigs and leaves in it and her crazy looking eyes.

    Up ahead, I could see a small wooden cabin. The map was real, although I never saw the map but it's real.

    As we came closer I could see the house well enough to notice the state of it. The house did not look livable. No way someone lived there but then again, serial killers surprised me everyday.

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