One - We are Don't Dating

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"Good afternoon girls." I hear from inside the gym. I feel my face twitch from annoyance. I open the door of the gym seeing a two-toned moron inside the gym where the girls were practicing.

I put my arms up as like I'm going to boxer the two-time moron to the floor. With each of my steps getting longer. The tall two-tone man gulps. Before I could tackle my brother to the ground, someone grabs the collar of my shirt. "Oh come on. Akaashi. Let me get a hit on him." I groan.

The ravenette lets out a sigh and lets go off my collar. I drop to the floor making my bottom sting. "That was rude." I pout as I get up from the floor.

The black haired signs again. "Oh sister, we're always joining for practice." The two-toned boy states.

"Alright, lets have a practice match. Shall we." I say with a dramaticly. "Us girls are gonna win, like always." I say as I stand in front of the girls.

"That's because we go easy on you." The man pouts.

I gasps. "That's your fault." I state.


"Oh. Look it's one to one." I point to the scoreboard.

"We still have one for round left." Kōtarō says.

As the next round starts. Tell a good plan to help win this round.

"Chance ball." One of the girls say.

I run to the front of the court to set. Before I set I see Akaashi study what I would do. I can tell he thinks I'm going to make one of the spikers spike it. But little did he know I'm going to do a setter dump.

I setter dump the ball. I see Akaashi's eyes widened. "How did you like that." I say sticking out my tongue.

The black haired had groans. I look over to the scoreboard that the girls are in the lead. "Don't get to confident." The black haired man states.

"Oh shut up." I say looking at back at him. I walk over to the girls to tell me good job. "Girls we can win this. The boys are having a hard time." I chuckle looking back at the boys.

"They're not going to win this." One of the girls say. We break from a circle and continue the game.


"Awww come on." I pause. "How did you guys win. I was sure that we got you stuck." I groan.

Kōtarō walks over to me. "Well you can't underestima-." I kick him where the suns doesn't shine.

"Don't underestimate us you moron." I state. "Let's go home already." I ask.

I walk over to the girls and hug them goodbye. Kōtarō and I walk out of the gym waving the group of people goodbye.

"Ohh little sister. Do you still have that crush on Akaashi." He says as he puts in headlock and rubbing your head.

"What are you talking about. I never had crush on him." I try to get out of Kōtarō headlock.

"Alright." He lets me go and I drop to the floor.

I glare at him with a murderous look. Kōtarō looks down at him with open eyes. "Don't test me brother." I say.

I'm not Dating Him (K.AkaashixReader)Where stories live. Discover now