Five - Photos

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I wake to Kotaro screaming and yelling. I quickly get off of my bed and run to his room. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT. WHAT HAPPEN." I yell.

Kotaro turns his head and face me. I see that he was about to cry. "Nothing happen." He says seriously. "Thanks for caring." He gives me puppy his eyes.

"Then why we're you screaming and yelling." I ask with curiosity.

"It's just." The two toned owled boy pauses. "It's just Akaashi finally said he loves me." Kotato shows me the message the Akaashi sent.

"Oh god." I roll my eyes. "I'm going back to bed." I state.

"It's to late to go back to sleep." I gasp at his words.

"This was your plan the whole time." I tackle the idiotic person in front of me. "What are you planning." I tickle him.

"I'm don't planning anything." He tries to catch his breathe. "I was just helping Akaashi. You baka." He states.

"Don't me a baka. Your the bak-." I pause. "Wait what. Helping Akaashi with what and what does have to do with me." I say in shock.

"I-I'm don't allow to say. Or Keiji would kill me." He says.

I sigh. "Great. I'm going for a shower." I exclaim.

After my shower, I walk to my room to grab a pair of clothes. As I get dressed, a thought come. I'll come it up to you. That's what Akaashi said when I finally forgave. Is that why Kotaro is helping Keiji.


"AHHHHHH." I scream as I fell to the floor. "Don't kill me." I ask as I put my hands over my face. I hear a man chuckle at me. I look up to see a ravenette boy looking down at me. "I could've died." I pout.

"Well be glad I'm at a murder." He chuckles again.

"Why are you so giggling then usual." I pout once again refusing to let him help me up.

"What I am not allow to be happy." He says turning into a emo mood.

I gasp at the slight of it. I get up on my feet and shake Akaashi back and forth, "What did you with the Keiji I know." I say seriously.

"What happen to Akaashi." Kotaro say running into my room.

"His acting more like you." I say pointing to my idiotic brother. "What did you do to him." I say walking over to Kotaro. "Are you in there Keiji." I say into Kotaro mouth.

Let go of Kotaro and we all cracked up laughing. "Akaashi I'm serious don't act like my brother again." I state.

"Can't make promises." He says crossing his finger behind his back.

"Whatever." I groan. I flop onto my bed. I watch as Akaashi makes his way to my laptop.

He lift the lid. "Can I use for laptop for a bit." The ravenette asks.

"Sur- wait no." I say making my way to where Akaashi was seating at me desk. I slam my lid of my laptop down. "No no. You can't sorry." I nervously.

"W-why dont." He says suspiciously. Akaashi goes through my desk. A picture frame caught his attention. I watch him pick it up.

"N-no put that do-." Before I could finish my sentence he was already looking at the photo.

"You still have this photo." He questions.

Heat rises in my cheek making them go red. "Ahhh. Yes. What am I not meant to have it s-sorry." Before I could grab it from him. He sees other photos of him. "Ahhh. Don't look at those." I quickly close the draw.

I give him a smile. He down at me, I see that his face is turning red as I fell to the floor. He looks away and places the picture that was in his other hand on my desk. "There you go. It looks good there." He states.

Akaashi's POV:
Why does she have so many pictures of me. Does she like me. No she can't. But it makes sense. Stop Keiji your an idiot. Just because you like her doesn't mean she likes you back.

Your POV:
"Huh?" I look up to see the picture of Keiji, Kotaro and I when we were little.

"What do you think (y/n)." He smiles at me as I get up off the floor.

"I think is looks greats." I compliment the photo.

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