Seven - Your Too?

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Your to.

Your to.

Your to.

I'm to what? What was he going to say. I thought to myself. I lay back in my chair as I groan.

"(Y/n)." I hear a familiar voice.

"Oh hey. What's up." I ask.

"We have practice. Did you forget." The vice captain tells me.

"Ohh. Shit. Yeah. Let's go." I say as I grab my bag from the side of my desk.

The vice captain and I walk over to the gym for practice. "Sorry I'm late guys. I totally forgot aboutttttt... it." I say as I walk into the gym. "What's going on here." My brow furrowed.

I glare at all the people in the gym. "Okay if we're not going to practice. I'm going home." I say walking out of the gym until someone grabs my wrist. I shake off their grip and continue walking home.


Urghh, (y/n) stop overthinking things. I thought putting my hands over my face. Why can't I st-. Someone cuts me out of my thoughts. I slowly turn my head to see a man behind. "AHHHHHHH." I scream. "PLEASE DONT KILL ME." I scream waving my hands and legs in the air.

"Don't move or I will shoot." The two-toned owl jokily says.

"K-Kotaro." I glare at me. Grabbing one of my pillows I begin hitting him with it. "Don't scare me like that, you idiot." I say as I see laughing his head off.

I begin walking out of my room to the bathroom. "W-Wait (y/n), don't g-.... Go i there." Kotaro says disappointedly.

"K-Keiji." My face turns redder then a tomato. "P-put some clothes on." I say as I push him out of the bathroom.

"Urghh can i have my clo." I slam the door shut cutting him off.

"Here are your stupid clothes." I say opening the bathroom door, not even looking at him but glaring the person that I sadly call my brother.

"S-sorry Akaashi." Kotaro apologises.

"Is it alright if I use your bedroom to get changed." Akaashi asks. Rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course." Kotaro states.


Did i just see Akaashi half naked and only wearing a towel. I must me dreaming. I thought as I feel the water running through my hair.

A few minutes pass, I snap out of my head and back to reality as someone was knocking on the door. "Hurry up (y/n), or your food is going to get cold." I hear some yell from behind the bathroom door.

"S-sorry I'm coming." I turn off the water of the shower and step out. I grip on the metal rack where my towel is located, I wrap the towel around and begin to dye myself. First I grab my  pyjama pants and put them on, I then go to grab my cropped white top that had silly straps.

As I walk out of the bathroom, a disgusting smell enters through my nostrils.  "What is that disgusting smell." I ask as I make my downstairs. "Is that smoke I smell."

"N-no." Kotaro yells. Shit.

I cross my arms to see Kotaro standing there trying to get ruin of the smoke. "What have i told you about not burning down the kitchen." I yell.

"I-. It was Akaashi's idea." He spits out.

I look over to Akaashi as he gives Kotaro a glare. "Hahaha." I laugh.

"What's so funny." Akaashi glares at me.

"I can't. I just can't." I keep laughing.

What is she laughing at. Akaashi thinks to himself.

My laughing fit finally stops. "Al-Alright, I'll call a pizza." I state.

"What? No. I was cooking dinner." Kotaro protests.

I ring up the pizza and order my favour pizza and just a normal pepperoni one for Kotaro and Akaashi.

"Ok, Want to watch a movie while we wait." I ask. I look over to Kotaro nodding rapidly. "Alright come on." I say motioning to the living room.

"I'm picking movie." I hear a voice behind me say.

K-Keiji what to pick the movie. My eyes widened from his sudden request.

"What's noooo." The two-toned owl cries.


The door bell rings. I let up from my spot on the couch and make my to the front door. I peek through the door hole to see the pizza standing outside.

I open the door. The pizza guy hands over the two pizzas and I hand him the money. "Thank you." I say.

I back over to the two boys that stand sitting on the couch. As I make my way over. I could hear their conversation.

"I need help. I don't know how to tell (y/n) I like her."

"I don't know man. I think you should just tell her." He claims.

A-Akaashi l-likes m-me. I stutter in my mind. "The pizzas here." I say trying to forget what the boys were saying.

"Thank you." Akaashi smiles at me and I smile back.


Akaashi's POV:
As the three of us continue watching the movie.  I feel something heavy weigh on my shoulder. I turn my head to see what it was. Huh?. I thought as my eyes widened.

See that (y/n) is asleep and so Bokuto-san. That's why it's heavy. I groan to myself. I rise my spot of the couch carefully, trying don't you wake up the 'little babys' that are on the couch.

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