Three- Brother

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I avoided my brother after my outing with Akaashi. He thinks we went on a date since it was only the two of us. But I think he knows something I don't.

"Hey beautiful." A tall blonde calls out.

"Go away Ken." I get out off.

"I heard your dating A-Akaashi." He mentions.

"Urghh. Why do people think we're dating." I slap my forehead. "Just leave me alon-." I get cut off to feel a pair of lips on mine. My eyes widened.

I hear a pair of footsteps approaching me. The man pushes off the blonde haired off me. "What is wrong with you. She doesn't want you." The ravenette says.

"A-Akaashi." I stutter.

"Are you alright (y/n)." Akaashi asks. I give a small nods and a 'mhm'.

The blonde haired chuckles. "She doesn't want you either." He states making the ravenette frustrated.

I look at the ravenette hands as the form into fists. I walk over to him and hold onto his arm. "Keiji calm down." He looks down at me. "Come on his not worth our time." I intertwine my fingers within his.

"Alright let's go." He gives me a small.

"Good." I drag him to our classroom to grab our lunch. Once we get to our classroom. "Hey Akaashi."

"Hmm." He hums.

"N-nevermind." I say.

I sit down at my desk and take out my bento box and Akaashi joins me. The whole time I was just playing with my food, I didn't really feel like eating.

The bell rings. "Are you okay (Y/n)." I snap out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I lie.


After school finishes I text the vice captain of the girls team that I can't make it today for practice.

I make my way home as fast as I can before anyone can see me cry as I don't like showing weakness.

Once I get home. I run up to my room. Lock the door and cry my eyes out because of the stupid blonde boy. An hour later I hear someone go through the front door and then hear someone knock on my bedroom door.

"Go away. Kotaro." I cry.

"(Y/n) what happened." He asks.

I get up onto my feet and walk over to my door and unlock. I swung open my door. To see a tall two-toned man standing in front of me.

I look up to my brother. "Tell me what happened (y/n)." He asks.

"I hate him." I fall into my brothers arms. "I can't believe he kissed me. I hate him. I hate him. He had no right too." I rant.

"Who?" He asks.

"Who do you think." I pause. "If Ken kisses me again. I'm definitely going to throw hands." I keeping ranting.

"Don't worry but him (y/n). Ken is an idiot. You have Akaashi now." He starts.

"I don't like Akaashi like that. You Baka." I yell.

My brother chuckles at me. "I know you do." The idiot states.

"This is why I dont vent to you very much." I hear him chuckle again. I start to hear a pair of footsteps and the person lets out a small laugh. I quickly take a few steps back and slam my door. "W-why his k-Keiji here." I ask.

"Welll h-."

"I was worried about you. Since I'm your best friend. I had to come check on you. That's friends are for." The ravenette says behind the door with his hands on his hips.

I open my door once again but slower. He smiled at me. I hug him. His eye widened as he wraps his around me confused. Kotaro looks at the both of you and he backs away into his room.

"Thanks for coming to check on me Keiji." I exclaim with a smile.

"I'm always here for you." The ravenette says. We break from the hug. "Buuuutt. I'm staying over, as Kotaro what's to help him study." He groans.

"A-alright. Well have fun with my idiotic brother." I say.

"Im just surprised I've put up with him for this long as far." He states.

I giggle at his words. "Alright night." I say.


I wake to having a nightmare. I get up to grabbed my phone from my draws next to my bed. I turn my phone on to see the time is 2:00am.

I hop onto my feet and walks towards Kotaro's room. I rub my eyes to wake up a bit more. "K-Kotaro." I call. I walk over to Kotaro's bed to trip over someone. "Ow." I say as I fall to the floor.

I get back up on my feet. I wake Kotaro. "What is it (y/n). What time is it." The two-toned boy asked.

"Kotaro. Can I sleep with you. I-I had a nightmare." I claim.

"Alright." He says tapping the other side of his bed. I walk over to the side of his bed and laid down.

I'm not Dating Him (K.AkaashixReader)Where stories live. Discover now