Fourteen - I Can't Stop Dreaming About You

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It was just a dream. I thought to myself.

I sit up straight on my bed, shaking my head. I rise to my feet, walking toward my door. I then I walk over to Kotaro bedroom. I grip the door knob and twist it slowly, making the door swing open a little.

I peek in, to don't see a two-toned owl in his bed. He must of already gone. I sigh in relief.

I walk back to my room, and walk over to my night stand where my phone is placed. I pick it up, unlocking it to make my way through my messages. I open the chat where I next my brother.

I'm not going to you game.
I have practice with the girls today.

Two-Toned Owl
Oh. Well that's a bummer.

I would of love my little sister to cheer me on.

Shut up.

Well I see you when you get home.

Two-Toned Owl
Ok. Love y'a
Seen at 7:00am

I finished texting my brother, I place my phone back down until I got a call. I look at the caller and see that Kiki is calling.

"H-hello." I greet her.

"Ahhh (y/n). Do we still have practice today." The person on the other line asks.

"Yes we do. Umm. Meet st the gym by 5 these afternoon." I state.

"Alright. No problem." Kiki says and hangs up.

I lay back on my bed, looking at the ceiling. I groan in annoyance.

I get up off my bed and walk over to my closet. I pick out an outfit that contains a white long puffy sleeve turtle neck, a woollen brown sweater vest, brown/tan checkered plaided skirt with a cute little shoulder bag.

I walking into the kitchen seeing a white ragdoll cat licking milk in the cat dish. I walk over to the cat. I pick it up with both hands. The cat looks at me, wondering what I'm doing.

I close my eyes nuzzling the cat's nose. "I was wondering where you ran off too, Sho." I say opening my eyes.

Sho continues to stare at me for a seconds and then begins to lick my face, like she's saying thank you.

I give Sho a smile and then put her back down to continue having her breakfast.

I walk over to the fridge. I opened to see that a lot of food was missing. I groan, knowing that is was Kotaro that took so much.

I grab the milk and I walked over to the pantry, I see that we still have cereal left. I picked it up. I grab a bowl and spoons. I poured the cereal in the bowl and then poured the milk. (A/N Are you the one the pours the milk first or the cereal first. I pout the cereal first.)

After my bowl of cereal, I over to the front door and put my black high tops converses.

I open the door, to reveal a brown haired girl with hazelnut eyes. "Kiki. What are you going here?." I ask her.

"I was going to knock until you opened the door, just like if it was on que." She giggles.

"Whatever." I say closing the door behind me and walking passed her. "Well since your here want to go to the shops." I ask.

"Wait, isn't the boys nationals today." She questions.

"N-no." I stutters rubbing my head.

"I swear it was." She say, grabbing her phone from her pocket to check the calendar. "Yeah it is today." She grabs my hand.

"No Kiki... I don't feel like going." I pull my hand away from her.

The brown haired look at with sad in her eyes but I don't give in that easily. "But why?" She says, tilting her head curiously.

"Because I can't." Tears threaten to fall. "I-I." I look away. "Let's just go shopping." I state.

"A-Alright then. Let's go shopping." She smiles at me.


Kiki and I make our way to the nearest mall. We shop for bits and bops.

"Kiki, I'll be back in a sec. I need to buy something." I state.

She gives me a nod, as I walk off to a nice store nearby. I look in the store, looking for the perfect gift to when the day comes when I say sorry to Akaashi.

I look around for a few more minutes before I spotted something that he will really like.


Kiki and I walk back to my place and by the time we got back it was already 4:30pm. I walk into my home to change into some active wear, and make my way to the school to do some practice, since we have a practice match in a few weeks.

The girls and I are practice for a few hours, until the time read 8'o'clock. I say my goodbyes to the girls and walk back home.

I walk for a few minutes while my thoughts scattered around the place, like things about Akaashi, volleyball and my family. But I couldn't help but I think more on how I would say sorry to him.

I reach the front door of my home. Before I would open it, there he was waking out of my home. I rubbed my eyes to just see that it was just Kotaro.

"I thought you were someone else." I say hitting him on the arm.

He just laughed at me. "Who did you think I was." He teases. "Are you hungry I bought dinner." He says letting you inside of your home.

"No. I already had something to eat." I walk up stairs to my room.

I hear faint sounds coming from my room. I peek in to see that I was just Sho waiting inside.

I think I'm going crazy sometimes. I thought to myself, as I pick Sho and lay down on my bed, thinking about things I need to settle.


I'm making breakfast downstairs, in the kitchen but it wasn't the same kitchen in my home.

I feel someone body weight on me snd their arms around my waist. I call out someone's name but I wasn't able to hear it.

I stop what I was doing, to turn around to face the person behind me. I see a tall raven haired boy.

"K-Keiji." I stutter.

"Ohhh hello......." He says weirdly.

"What are you doing here and where are you." I ask, looking around.

"This is our home. What do-." He gets cut off by little children running downstairs.

The three children run up to Akaashi and I and hug us, just like a family hug. "I-."

"Mama Mama." One of the children call jumping up and down.

My face gets all flustered and confused with the sight.


"Just another dream." I groan. "Fuck sake."

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