Fifteen - Surprises

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Finally being in my third of year of high school, being stressful with the exams coming up in the year and the prelims to try to make it to national.

The raven haired boy hasn't talked to you in months, but I haven't made an effort to talk to  him either. But when it feels right to finally talk to him I will.

We do say the casual hellos and goodbyes but that's really it.

"(Y/n)." Someone calls. "Are you alright." The person taps my shoulder.

I snap out of my thoughts. "Ohh, yeah I'm fine." I lie.

"You've been spacing out-."

"(Y/n)." The coach cuts off the hazelnut eyes girl.

I walk off the court, towards the coach. "Sorry coach." I bow.

"This isn't like you. So I think we should bench you for now." The coach suggests.

"O-oh. Alright." I bow down again and tag the back up setter in.

We were having a practice match with the girls teams from aboi joshai. They drove all the way to Tokyo for this opportunity.

I gasp at the thought I had. If we win nationals this year or at least get to go. I'll finally tell Akaashi.

I get up from where I sat down. I walked over to the coach. "Ehh. Coach is it alright if I leave early today." I ask.

She gives me nod of approval. I run out of the gym to the club room. I get undress, back into my school uniform. I run back to the gym to my goodbyes and leave.

"KOTARO." I yell, running into the house.

He walks out of the kitchen. "You look like shit." He bluntly says.

"Ohh... s-shut up." I pant out of breathe.

"So what is it." He asks, walking back into the kitchen.

"I-I." I stutter, trying to gain my balance back. "I know how I'm going to finally talk to him again." I say still panting out of breathe.

"Talk to who." He says confused. "Akaashi?." He questions.

I hum in response.

"Ok how are you going to." He continues to question me.

"If I win, I mean if the girls and I win nationals or at least go, imma finally tell him." I say proudly, putting my hands on hip.

"How do you know you're being going to nationals." He still questions me.

"I just know we will." I say confidently.

He hums slyly.

"Are not being very supportive, Kotaro. Wait why are you home early, don't you have practice?." I ask.

"I should be asking you that question." I groan at him and he just laughs at me.

That night, I planned on how I will tell him.


The next morning I wake up, happy then ever. I jump from my bed and I walk towards my desk, where I have been planning on the plan. 

Hearing a knock on my door, "Come in."  I say. 

The two-toned owl open the bedroom door and walks into my room. "You still planning." He asks.

"No, I have finished. I'm just reading over it." I state. I begin the plan by explaining it to Kotaro. 

Kotaro also helps improve the plan as well, as he said it needed some little bibs and bobs. 


I have completed a lot of my plan. The girls and I are in our last match of the prelims. We are in the third set of that match. We are currently in the lead by 18 - 14. 4 point difference. The crowd cheering loud and proud, the teams spirit rises every time we hear it. 

"GOGOGOGO, (L/N)." Someone cheers in the crowd. Looking behind me, I see big sister Kenji and Kotaro and a special someone, that I told Kotaro to bring with him. 

Turning back to the court, I was finally in the zone, determined to win, to finally reach nationals. 

I had to win for Akaashi and for the third years on the team. 

Minutes going past, we were a point from match point. As the other team was on 17 points. 

Hitting a setter dump on the fools, that were up against us. I thought they could beat us. but we have practice so much to loss now. 

Scoring another point we have won the match. Making us, to go to nationals. The girls and I jump up and down in excitement. We all end up tearing, finally being able to reach nationals and since I'm a third year it's the best day of my life. 

Walking out of the gym, seeing big sister Kenji and Kotaro walking up to us girls. My eyes only lock onto the raven haired man, that I deeply care about. Locking eyes with the raven haired boy. To the realisation that I was staring for to long, the raven haired boy walks over to us.  

"Hi." The raven haired boy greets everybody. 

The girls say hi back polity. 

I glare at Kotaro and gives me a nod, to tell me it's time to do it. 

"ehh. Akaashi." I say nervously.

"Huh?" He questions, looking to see whose behind him.

"C-can... We talk."  I say, looking down at the ground out of nervousness. 

"S-sure." He says, rubbing the back of his head. 

We walk over to somewhere private. There was a awkward silence between each other. 

I bow at him. His beautiful blue-green eyes widened with confusion. "IM SO SORRY FOR HURTING YOU AND ALL THE THINGS I SAID." I silently yell, holding the friendship bracelet I got him, when we were young and a new I brought a few months ago. 

Feeling someone's hands being placed on mine. My eyes widened in shock. I left my head up to see the raven haired boy smile at me. "Akaashi I-." Hands being placed around my waist, being pulled in close to Akaashi's face, making our lips connect with each other. 

Still as a statue, looking confused, Akaashi pulls away looking at me with a sly smirk. "(Y/N), you don't have to say sorry." Before he could say another word, I pull him back into, to kiss him again. 

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