Six - Letters

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"Bokuto-Chan." I hear someone scream. I turn to see some random that was calling my name. "Are you Bokuto-Chan." She asks.

"Yeah I'm Bokuto." I rub the back of my neck. "What is it you want." I smile at her.

She looks at me with nervousness within her eyes. Once she bows down, she pulls out a letter. "C-can you give this to A-Akaashi-Senpai." The girl asked.

My eyes widened. "Wait what." I pause. "W-why Akaashi." I ask her. I reach out to grab the letter but she ran away before she answered me. "Hmm. Why Akaashi." I mumble to myself.

I was in a deep thought when I bumped into a person. "Ah, shit. S-sorry." I apologise. "A-Akaashi." I hid the behind my back.

"There you are. Are we going to eat now." He mentions.

"Is it already lunch." I say putting my fingers on my chin.

The ravenette boy looks at my other hand which as placed on my hip. "Do you have there." He asks.

"Ahh. What." I look down to see the letter still in my hand. "Oh this thing. It's just a letter. A love letter I think." I pause to think. "Ahh and it's for you. Some first year asked me give it to you." I state.

"W-What me." He says pointing at himself.

"Yes you." I say slamming the letter into his chest. "Here you baka."

A Yelp come from his lips as he feels the stinging coming from his chest. "(Y/n)." He yells as he catches up to me. "Who gave it to you again." He asks

"Like I said. I don't know. It was some first year. Who knew my name which as weird but whatves." I say shrugging my shoulders.


After that day. The some girl kept giving me letters to give to Akaashi. One day I decided to open one to see if it was a love letter which it was. But my mind still was confused why would someone have a crush on the boy I adore.

"Akaashi what are going to do. The chick won't stop giving me the love letter to give to you." I groan in annoyance.

"Well. I'm going to tell them to stop. Since I already like someone." He says. Until he realises what he said, he covers his mouth.

"Ohhhh. You like someone. Can I -."

"No." He cuts me off.

"What I didn't even finish my sentence." I yell.

"I already knew what you were going to say." He states.

"You're no fun." I groan.


Akaashi's POV:
It's after school and I decided to confort the girl that's been sending love letters to me before practice starts.

I walk towards the school gates to wait for the girl. The girls runs towards me. I let out uh as she makes me fall to the ground.

"Are you one that's sending me the letters." I ask.

"Ughh. Yeah." She let's out a laugh.

"Well can you please stop. I'll tell you this now. I don't like you and I like somebody else." I tell the girl in front of me.

"I-I." The girl looks down.

Before she could say anything else. I have walk off to go to practice.

Your POV:
Practice has ended and Kotaro, Akaashi and I are walking home. "Heyyyy Akaashi." I pause for dramatic affect. "Sooo." I pause again.

"What (y/n)." He groans.

"How did gooooo... with that girrlll." I say somewhat dramatically.

"Oh I told her that I didn't like her and that I like someone else." He states.

"So, she'll stop sending letters." I ask.

"Yeah she'll stop." He tells.

"Ok good." I sigh in relief.

Once we arrived at my house. All of us walk inside and walk up to my room to have a little study session. Kotaro and Keiji sit on my bed as I sit at my desk.

"AKAAAAASHI. I need some help." I groan.

"With what." He asks.

I turn in my computer chair to face the two boys that are lying down on my bed. "With this." I say as I point at the question in my notebook.

"Ohhh." He says explaining the question to me.

"Thank you." I thanks.


Kotaro accidentally falls asleep on my bed. "Soo. (Y/n) do you like anyone." He asks.

My face heats up when those words come out of his mouth. "Uh. Y-yeah." I say without thinking.

"Who is it." He asks.

"Uh. Yo-. I mean ummm. Yoshi." I try to make something up.

"Yoshi?." He questions.

"Ye-yeah Yoshi." I stutter.

"Hmm." He hums with suspicion. "Yoshi.?" He says rubbing his chin. I give out a fake laugh. "Are you sure his name his Yoshi." He says as he gets up from my bed and puts his hands on my shoulders. I jump from the sudden sensation.

"Don't scare me like that." I growl.

He chuckles at me. "Your to." He stops before he could finish his sentence.

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