Four - Ex-Boyfriend

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"Bokuto-chan. I heard you're with Ken-san again." A random girl said to me.

"What do you mean." I ask.

"His saying that you guys are dating. Since you kissed him the other day." The girl mentions.

"O-oh did he." I say as I walk out of the classroom.

I slam open the classroom door. There was some people inside, I feel their eyes staring at me. I walk over to the blonde boy. "Oh hey beautiful." The blonde greets.

"What is wrong with you." I pause. "W-who can't go around and tell people we're dating even though we are not." I yell.

"But we are." He states.

I let a low growl. "No. We. Are. Not. I don't like you. Why don't you get that." I say. "Don't talk to me or come near me again." I yell as I walk out of his classroom.


"Hey captain." One of the girls yell.

"Oh what's up." I ask.

"Are we going to start practice." She asks.

"Oh yeah sorry." I say rubbing the back of my head.

The girls and I begin practice until someone comes crashing in. I look over to see a blonde man standing at the door of the gym. Before I could set the ball. I look at the ground making the ball hit the top of my head.

"Girls I think that's practice for today." I say.

"Alright captain." All the girls say.

After we clean up the gym. I walk outside ignoring the blonde boy. I hear footsteps approaching in front of me. I look up to see a ravenette boy and a idiotic brother.

I ran up to the two boys. "Thank god. You guys are my saviours." I sign in relief.

"Oh why th-." The ravenette pauses as he spots the blonde boy behind me.

"Akaashi. Just come on." I ask as I intertwine my fingers with his.

The ravenette looks down at me. Until the blonde idiotic boy speaks. "Awww. Look. Akaashi is a little bitch." Ken says with puppy dog eyes.

I glare at the man. "What is wrong with you."

"Nothing is wrong with me sweetheart." He says.

"Firstly there is. Secondly you literally spread rumours around saying you and I are dating because You kissed me. And now you called my best friend a little bitch." I shout as I slap him across his face. "And that's what is wrong with you." I continue.

"YOU BITCH." The blonde boy yells at me. He shoves me. I fall to the ground.

I hear a growl came from behind me. I look to see the ravenette boy behind me ready to murder the blonde man.

The ravenette begins to walk to the blonde boy. Nononono. I rise to my feet. Quickly walking to catch up to the ravenette. I stop the boy in his tracks but he just walks around me. He finally was face to face with Ken. Before I stand between them. Akaashi blew at punch to the boy in front of him.

I run over to the boys trying to peel Akaashi off. "KOTARO HELP ME." I cry. Kotaro runs over to help me. "Stop it." I yell. As I was trying to peel Akaashi off Ken I get pushed away.

My eyes widened. Akaashi stops hitting Ken and look over at me."(y-y/n)." He says in shock. More and more tears stream down my face. "(Y-y/n) I'm sorry." He gets off Ken and tries to help me up. I slap his hand away from me. I get back on my feet avoiding Akaashi's gaze. "(Y/n)". He tries to confort me.

"No-... Don't touch me." I say out of frustration.

"HA!." The blonde boys chuckles.



The past few days, I've been avoiding Akaashi even we're literally in the same class, I've been ignoring him. Every time he would try to talk to me I would talk with some of the girls from the team. I was hard enough to hear his voice and his face in class.

The bell rings for lunch. I grab my lunch and walk as fast as I can outside the classroom before Akaashi can have a chance to talk to me.

I find a place to eat that is empty and that no one is around. I take the lid from my bento box. I pick my chopsticks but before I could take a bite I feel a someone's hand on my shoulder.

"(Y-Y/n), can we please talk." He ask.

"About what Akaashi." I groans. "I don't really feel like talking to you." I spit.

"I know but." He pauses. "Nevermind." He walks away from me.

"Wait." I pause. "Akaashi." He stops walking. He turns around to face me. I see that tears are forming within his eyes. "A-Akaashi. Don't cry." I say as I embrace him.

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