Eight - A Lost For Us

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My eyes slowly flutter open. It takes me a few seconds to realise that I'm in my room and not in the living room.

My eyes widened as I feel something move in my bed. I could feel the heat source from the thing. I suddenly feel the thing wrap around my waist.

I turn my head to look behind me. I see a black haired man sleeping peacefully behind me. A-Akaashi. Why is he in my bed. I thought. My face turns red. Wait... OMG HIS IN MY BED. I freak out in my head.

I loosen the grip of his arm around my waist. I sit up straight on my bed, I glance back to make sure I didn't make him and to get a better look of him. Oh god his cute when his sleep. I thought.

I get lost in my mind as I walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast, I snap out of it, as I hear a someone snoring loudly in the living room.

"Oi, idiot wake the heck up." I quietly yell as I slam a pillow against his ugly ass face.

"What the fuck was that for." The two-toned boy rubs where the pillow hit him really hard.

"It's time to wake up. Mums coming with big sister today, don't you remember it's her birthday." I say dragging him to the kitchen.

"Wait, where Akaashi." He asks.

"His asleep in your room, since you took up the whole lounge. Because you're a fat ass." I scoff.

"Yeah I do have a fat ass. You're just jealous." He exclaims.

"Me. Jealous of you." I laugh. "You should be jealous of me. I get all the love." I say as I drop him and making a weird random pose, thinking that I'm in like some anime.

I continue making breakfast with Kotaro helps as mum and big sister is going to be home any minute now.


"How's volleyball going with you two." The white headed girl asks.

"Well, Kotaro and I are both captains of the teams. Kotaro's team made it to nationals. And the girls and I going to our prelims tomorrow." I brag, glaring at the two toned owl.

"Uh-uh yeah. That's right. I forgot about boys and I going to na-." A black haired man smacks Kotaro across the back of his head.

"You're so stupid Bokuto-San." Akaashi spits.

I giggle at the site of it. "So Akaashi, do you still play." The white haired girl asks.

"Oh yes. I'm the vice captain of this dumbass' team." He exclaims.

"Hey. I-I'm don't a dumbass." The owl pouts.

"That's great to hear. Sooo are you two finally together." She asks pointing to me and then to Akaashi.

"W-what. No. Who said I liked him." I pout, glaring at my sister. I look back at Akaashi looking all frustrated. I begin to feel my check burning up.

"Oh. Come on." She chuckles.

"I'm leaving now. I'm going to go for a shower." I exclaim.

I take my leave to the bathroom and go for a shower to refresh myself.


I finished my shower and make my way back downstairs. I hear people chatting and I could hear my name being said multiple times.

Are they talking about me. I thought.

"Yeah. Akaashi caught her having pictures of him, especially when we were all young." I hear Kotaro blabbing about my stuff.

I'm going to murder him. I thought.

I make my way to the living room and plopped myself on the couch. I go to reach for the remote that is sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

I need to stop liking him. It's obvious he doesn't like me back. I get stuck in deep thoughts. I'm probably like a sister to him. Urghhh. I hate feelings.

"Are you alright (y/n)." I snap my head up to see Akaashi stand in front of the coffee table.

"O-oh yeah I'm fine."' I kind of lie.


"Ok girls. These is our last game. If we win this we're going to national but if we lose it's alright we have next year." I pep talk the team.

We make our way to the court. We all line up at the net and shake the other teams hands.

Oh Nekoma are going to lose. I thought.

"Good much my friend." I say to their captain.

"Good luck to you too." Nekoma's captain says as we grip each other's hands tighter.

We break from the greeting and getting ready for the first set to start.

"WOOOOWWW GO (Y/N)." I look back to see big sister, Kotaro and even Akaashi.

Oh god. Their embarrassing. I thought.

I was the first to serve. I took a few steps back, I took a deep breathe before I threw the ball up in the air. I began to run as the ball was in the air and then i jumped slamming it on the other side  and got us the first point.

"Nice serve." My teammates yell.

The first set was a win for us 25 - 21. The second set was won by Nekoma, 32 - 30.

It was the third set, the point at the moment is 20 - 20. It's a tie between both teams. We didn't want another duce.

The time flew past and Nekoma won the set. "How the heck. It only been a second. How did the win the set." I mumble to myself.


I didn't notice I was walking out until someone patted my back. "Good job (y/n)." I look up to see Kotaro talking to me.

"Yeah (y/n). You still got next year." Akaashi says.

"I know. I wish I would go to nationals with you guys." I cry.

"Ayeee cheer up. Miss gloomy." Kotaro chuckles.

"I'm not gloomy. You're the gloomy one, when you lose, you're an idiot." I say, kicking his leg.

I start walking away with my teammates. I could hear him whine out of pain.

"We did all good girls. We will beat them next year i promise. We can finally prove that we are better then the boys" I say the part loud so Kotaro could hear me.

"Actually we are better then the boys anyways." The girls continue what I was doing. We all looked at Kotaro and start laughing.

"Awww Bokuto-Senpai cheer up." One of the first years say.

I take a glance at Akaashi just standing behind Kotaro smiling. It makes me so happy to see my team and friends be so happy after a lost.

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