Thirteen - Just A Dream

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The boys are finally going to nationals. Our whole school was coming to their game, and  going as well.

I sit at the back of the stands with the girls. I wasn't really bothered cheering, it felt weird too.

"Ahhh. Look Akaashi your girlfriend is here." One of the boys say.

Akaashi looks up to see me in the stands. "She's don't my girlfriend." He exclaims, glaring at the boys to back off.

I was only her to cheer on Kotaro and that's it, since Akaashi's and I are still not in speaking terms yet.

The whistle blows and the first set starts of with 'school name' getting the first point. The girls courage me to cheer on the whole team but I didn't really want too. I just lift my knees to my chest and placed my head on top of them.

The first goes for at least half an hour, the first set was to 'school Name'.


After the match, school name came out wining. I run over to Kotaro, jumping on him. "You did amazing Kotaro." I smile.

"You think so." He chuckles.

"Ehh. Yeah." I say getting off his back. I look over to Akaashi by accident and making eye contact with him. "I think imma go and hang out with the girls." I say pointing at them.

I wave my brother bye and left with the girls.

"Are you and Akaashi still don't talking." A girl with hazelnut eyes whisper to me.

"Yeah. I don't know what to say to him. I feel so lost." I sigh, hand palming myself. "It feels like he doesn't what to."

"Well he was staring at you before the game started." Kiki cut me off.

"Oh well." I sigh again.

"No, oh well. You need to get your man back." She says pushing me up.

"He was never mine." I sigh again.

"Stop sighing and get him." She keeps trying.

"No. I don't w-."

"(Y/n) can we talk." I hear someone call.

I look back up to see a tall, dark haired man hovering over me. "Ehh. Sure." I say nervously.

I get up from the seat and walk with the man to somewhere more private. I look back at Kiki mouthing 'you got this' or something like 'go get your man'.

We walk over to a vending machine. He puts money in it and brought two drinks. "Here." He says handing me the other drink.

"Ehh thanks." I say.

We continue walking until we are outside. We walk over to a bench next to some bushes. We sit at either end of the bench, keep distance between each other.

"Sooo. What did you want to talk about." I speak first. I nervously take a sip from my drink.

"I- ehh. I want to say- ehh." "Fuck." He says under his breathe.

"It's alright we don't have to talk. We can stay quiet for a bit if you want." I state.

"No." He spats out. "I'm sorry." He gets up from his seat and bows.

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