Ten - What a Tease

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"I think I can beat you in a test." I exclaim while the ravenette boy continues study at my desk.

"Yeah you think so. But I know you can't." Akaashi chuckles.

I get up from my bed and walk behind Akaashi and flop over him. Leaning my head over his shoulder  and placing my arms around his neck while I hold my hands.

"You such a nerd." I state.

He stops studying and turns around to be face to face with me. "(Y/n)." He calls.

"Yeah." I say.

"I-." He cuts himself off. "I-I." He says not forming sentences.

"Are you ok Keiji." I ask.

"Y-yeah." He stutters.

I smile at how cute his being. "Then why do you keep stuttering." I state.

"S-Stuttering. I a-ain't s-stuttering." He continues.

I giggle at him. I feel him place a hand on my cheek. The heat rises in my cheeks. We lock eye contact making me blush even more, making my face redder then usual.

His blue-green eyes roam around my face, studying my features, sparkling with every second. He drops his hand from my face, placing it on the arm chest of the desk chair.

He grips the chair to bring himself up from the chair. Making me take steps back, as make my way to sit on my bed. He walks over, placing a hand my cheek again.

"You're face is really hot. Are you alright?" He asks.

He leans back forward, making me lean back on my bed. With our faces inches, inches away from each others. He look deeply in my eyes and I look deeply in his.

He leans in more, making our lips connect with each others.

"(Y/n), are you alright." He snaps me out of the daydream.

"What?" I say. It was just a dream. I thought as I groan.

"Were you daydreaming." He says in annoyance.

"Ehhh. Nooooo." I say.

"You're such a bad lair." He states.

I look up at him. Giving him glares, as he still facing his homework. "I'm not lying, nerd." I get up from my bed and walking to Kotaro bedroom. "Oi." I whisper.

"What?" The two toned owl questions.

"Help me prank Keiji." I whisper.

Kotaro gives me nod and get up from his bed. He walks over to his closet and grab a few things. He grabs a wig and some girl looking clothes. He puts on the little costume.

"How do I look." He asks while walking out his bedroom.

"Bloody amazing." I smirk evilly, rub my hand together.


Kotaro slowly opens my bedroom door. "Ahhh (y/n) your back." The ravenette boy says.

"Yeah I'm back. Why don't you give me a little kiss Keijiiii." I say as Kotaro walks in.

"W-what. K-kiss." He stutters.

"Yeshhhh." I say.

Akaashi turns around to see the two toned owl standing above me. "Hiiiii. Keijiiiii." Kotaro says in a girlie voice. Akaashi glares at me. "Don't get mad. It was (y/n)'s idea." He says in defence.

"Ohhh did she." Akaashi whispers.

Akaashi walks out of the bedroom as I'm laughing my ass off on the floor. He kneels down at me, making our faces inches away from each other.

He puts a finger under my chin making me look up at him. "What are you doing." I ask.

"Nothing." He smirks.

The heat in my cheeks rise, making my face going red. His thumb traces my bottom lip. He leans in, making our faces when closer then before.

"What's wrong (y/n)." He asks.

"N-nothing." I stutter.

He leans closer, making his mouth near my ear. "Are you sure." He whisper in my ear, making my blush even harder.

"Y-yes I'm s-sure." I stutter again.

"Good. Now be a good girl." He whisper in my ear again. My going redder with each word. "And don't prank me again." He says standing back up.

"I-I." I stutter. "AKAASHI THATS NOT NICE." I yell.

I look over at Kotaro. "(Y/n) your face is so red." Kotaro states.

"S-Shut up." I say getting up from the floor. I walk into my room. Slamming the door behind me. "Never do that again." I yell from inside of my room.

I hear them laughing at me. "That was pretty funny."

"Ok I've had enough." I state opening my bedroom door. "This is all your fault." I say all frustrated, looking at the ground.

"Huh?" Akaashi questions me.

"I'm going to bed." I state.


He nearly kissed. Wtf. I thought. But then he also teased me. I'm going to kill both of them.

"(Y/n)." The ravenette boy calls out.

"What?" I slightly yell.

"It's lunch." He states.

"And." I say annoyed.

"Can we go." He asks.

"I think I going to seat with the girl today for lunch." I exclaim.

"Oh." I look up at him to see a sad look on his face. "She's still mad at me." He mutters under his breathe without me hearing it.

I still can't believe he teased me and know he probably know I like him because of my stupid brother. I thought.

"Hey (y/n). Are you listening to us." One of the girls ask.

"Ehhh. No sorry. I was lost in my own world. Sorry." I apologise. "What were you girls saying anyways." I ask.

"Ohh. We were wondering why you ain't hanging with Akaashi and your brother." Another one of the girls wonder.

"Ohh that. I don't want to talk about it. I'm just mad at my brother." I laugh.


School ended and I decided to skip practice since I knew the girl were planning something.

I get stuck in my thoughts. Someone grabs my waist and makes me stop walking. I didn't notice I stopped until someone calls out my name.

"Let go of me." I say pulling his hands off me.

"Are you still mad at me." He asks.

"No. I was never mad at you. I'm just upset." I say bluntly.

"Then why ignore me." I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Because. You don't get it Akaashi." I say in annoyance. I start walking off.

The ravenette boy reaches for my arm. He turns me to face him. He places a finger under my chin, making me look at him. I snap my head away.

He places his finger under my chin again. Leaning in closer to my face. My face rises in heat. He looks into my (e/c) eyes, making me nervous. He looks down at my lips.

Before I knew it, he presses his lips against mine. I try to push him away, I hit his chest with my hands on fists.

I finally push him away, looking at the ground avoiding his gaze.

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