Eleven - Don't Talk About It

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"Why are you ignoring Akaashi." The two toned owl ask while we play video games.

I slam the controller down on Kotaro bed and storming out of his bedroom. I shut the door behind me, bumping into someone. I just ignore them and walk into my room. Locking the door behind me.

The ravenette boy walks into Kotaro's room. "Is she still ignoring me." Akaashi asks.

The two toned owl nods at him. "Yeah."

Akaashi groans.

"Why is she mad at you anyways." Kotaro asks.

"Ok so, you remember when you and her pranked by you dressing up as a girl and made think you were (y/n)." He exclaims.

"Y-Yeah." He questions.

"And then I teased her. She was upset with me for that, so that why she didn't sit with us at school the other day. But that same day, I skipped practice and then I found that (y/n) skipped practice too. I asked why she was ignoring me but she didn't say anything. So I decided to kiss her." I blabs on about.

"W-What. You. Kiss. My. Sister." Kotaro pauses between each word, point at Akaashi.

"Y-Yeah." He stutters, placing his head in his hands.

"Akaashi... Akaashi." Kotaro says, shaking his head.

"What?" He yells.

"You're an idiot." He says.

"I'm not an idiot." He glares at Kotaro.

"OIIII. SHUT UP, IM TRYING TO FOCUS." I yell from my room. I continue study on my work. Why can't they just shut up. I thought.

I keep hear them talking about the thing that happened and I didn't want Kotaro to know. Since he'll never let it go and he'll tell Akaashi I have a crush on him, but now I know he likes me back, which sucks.

I continue working on my homework that had to be done before Monday.


"(Y/n), Akaashi and I are going out to get something to ea-."

"No thanks." I cut off the two toned owl.

"Oh ok." He says sadly.

After I hear the front door close, I get up from my desk and begin to make my way downstairs to get some lunch.

What to eat. What to eat. I thought as I tap my chin. "There's nothing to eat. I should've gone with them to get something to eat." I groan.

I walk back up to my room and begin to start something different. I grab my laptop and sat on my bed.

I open the lid of the laptop, turning it on. I open a browser, typing in Netflix. I browse through the movies and one caught my eye.

The front cover had two people on it, girl and boy. They looked to be around my age. They wore two different school uniforms. (It's silent voice, watch it, it's a good movie.)


Time went pass so fast, as the movie was coming to an end.

'Knock, Knock.' Someone knocks on my bedroom door.

I get up from my bed, as I wipe my tears away. "What is it." I ask, opening the door.

"We got ramen." Kotaro states.

"Oh. Thank you." I smile at the person in front of me.

"(Y/n) have you been crying." The ravenette boy asks curiously.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just watched a really sad movie." I state, grabbing my food and closing the door behind me.

"Wait." I hear someone say. "(Y/n) I think we need to talk." He exclaims.

"I-. I don't want to talk abo-."

"I know you're mad at me. But I'm sorry." He voiced.

There was silence for a minute. "No, Akaashi you're not. You can't tease someone like that and kiss them the next day." I spat. "It felt like you were taking advantage of me, just because I like you, doesn't mean you can do that." I continue.

"I-." He stutters.

"That's what I thought."'I say slamming the door in his face.

"Tch. She'll get over it soon." Kotaro says shaking his head. "Akaashi." He calls tapping Akaashi's shoulder.

Without saying a word Akaashi storms off.

I'm eating my food, as I hear the front door slam shut. I jump from the sound. What have I done. I thought, tear beginning to form in my eyes.

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