Twelve - Friendship Broken

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Days pass, Akaashi and I haven't even spoke a word to each other. I could tell that he was upset with me. He had the sadness look in his eyes.

"So why haven't been hanging with Akaashi again." One of the girls ask.

"Oh. We kinda had a fight and he has a practice match remember.." I say rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"Ohh that's right. But sorry to hear about that." The same girl apologies.

"No, no, no. You don't have to say sorry. But anyways I think I'm going to eat myself again." I state.

"Alright. See you at practice." A girl with brown hair and gorgeous hazelnut eyes say. 

"Yeah. Will do. Bye Kiki" I say waving bye .

I walk up to the roof top, since not many people sit up there. I take a seat next to a nearby the doors. I sit down, taking a deep breathe in and take my time to adjust myself to the scenery.

I grab my bento box that I place beside me. I sit it on my lap and take the lid off it. I pick up my chopsticks and begin eating.

I'm just idiot. I shouldn't of yelled at him. I thought. My vison become blurry. I place my chopsticks down and wipe the liquid that is making my vison blurry away from my eyes before someone saw me.

I place my chopsticks back in the bento box and close the lid. I get up from my seat and walked back to class.


"Ok girls. Let's continue practicing the normal things we do." I say.

"Yes captain." All the girls say together in unison.

"Alright let's divide and conquer." I say breaking my the group.

I walk over to the bench taking a break for a minute.

I manage to get through practice surprisedly easily. I walk to the locker room to get change back into my school uniform. I walk out to see everyone was already gone.

Ohh I see how it is. I roll my eyes. I walk out of the club room, shut the door and locked it up. I walk over to the gym to make sure it was locked.

I tugged on the door to make it open. I grab the keys and lock up the gym. I walk over to the teachers office and placed the gym key back.

I walk out of the school towards the school gates. I notice someone standing, leaning on a lamp post. "Hiii. Kotaro." I call out.

"How did you know it's me." He pouts.

"You're the only one that stands like that." I say rolling my eyes at him. "So why are you not at home." I ask.

"What is a big brother not allow to pick up his little sister from school." He says with proud.

"You're embarrassing." I laugh.

"Ohh. Come on." He chuckles back.

Kotaro and I walk home together. It felt nice walking with someone, even if it was my idiotic brother walking with me.

"Hey. I think you and Akaashi should talk. During the practice today, he wasn't himsel-." He asks nicely.

"I don't think he wants to talk to me at the moment." I take a deep breathe in. "He literally gave me our friendship bracelet back the other day." I say opening the front door of our house.

"Come on." He pleased.

"No, Kotaro. Akaashi and I can talk about things when we both are ready to talk, ok."!i say shaking my head.

"All right." He pouts.

I make my way to my bedroom. I notice my door is open. I groan. I walk ignoring the person in there. I place my bag down next to my desk and sat down.

I grab my homework from my school bag and begin working on it. After awhile the person in my room left, shutting the door behind him.

I get up from my chair and walked over to the door and locked it. I place my head on the door hearing someone sobbing from the other side.

I mouth 'I'm sorry' and walked back to my desk. A liquid start filling up my eyes making me lose my vison.

I put my hands up trying to wipe my tears but they just keep flowing out.

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