Nine - Bracelet

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"Akaashi. Akaashi." I yell waving something in my hand.

"Huh!." Akaashi turns his to see me calling out his name. "Bokuto-Chan. What's that in your hand." He says pointing the thing in my hand.

"Oh this thing." I smile. "It's for you. Since we have been friends for a year now. I had to get you a present." I laugh.

"Ohhh. You didn't have to get me anything." He laughs nervously.

"But-. I had too." The look on my face turns to a annoyed look. "My brother made me get something. But hey, it was a good idea." I exclaim.

I reach out for his hand and place the present in his. Before he could say something I was already gone.

He slowly unwraps the present. Huh. A bracelet. He examines the bracelet for a few seconds before the bell rang. I'll read the card later. He thought.

-End of Flashback-

Akaashi's POV:
Oh I nearly forgot about this. I thought as I grabs the matching bracelet from my desk and the card.

I begin to wonder if (y/n) still had the other bracelet. I should text her. I thought as I reach for my phone.

Look what I found.
*send picture of the bracelet*

You still have that. 0-0

Yeah but I totally forgot about it tbh

How could you forgot. I remembered my mine. :,)

Im sorry. :{

It's alright. Well goodnight.
See you tomorrow.


What's tomorrow. I thought. Oh that's right it's school tomorrow. I place the bracelet down on top of my computer. I get off of desk chair and walking over to my bed. I lay down, resting my head on the pillow.

I look up at the ceiling thinking about her. My eyes start to get heavy. The I drifted off to sleep thinking about her.

Your POV:
"Good Morning, Keijiiii." I say playfully.

"Good Morning (y/n)." The raven haired boy smiles.

Akaashi goes to help me with packing my school bag. I notice a thing around his wrist, my eyes widened at the sight of it. My jaw literally drops knowing him wearing it.

He never wore it when we were little, it's just so weird seeing him wear it. "I-Is that." I point to the bracelet. "The bracelet I gave you." I ask, I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"Ohh. Yeah it is." He smiles once again.

"Why do you keep smiling like that. You never smile this often." I exclaim.

"What do you mean? I always smile." He scoffs.

"What? You always not smiling." I say annoyed. I playfully punch him in the arm.

"HURRRRYY UP YOU IDIOTS." The two toned owl yells.

"BOKUTO-SAN." The raven haired boy yells back.

"AHH. SORRY AKAASHI." Kotaro yells again.

I start to laugh at the boys yelling back at each other. "Oh god that was so funny." I say wiping my tears of laughter.


"Oi. Oi." I whisper.

I look at the back Akaashi's head. I see that his trying to ignore me.

"Akaashi. Oi." I continue.

"What?." He asks

"Can you help me. I'm a little stuck." I exclaim a I point to what my stuck at.

"Ohhh. I can help you with that tonight." He says.

"Oh. Ok." I says as he turns back to the front of the classroom.

The bell has rang, Akaashi and I make our to our lunch spot where Kotaro is waiting for the two of us.

"There you are, you freaking love birds."

"Do you wanna die Kotaro. I've told you, Akaashi and I ain't dating." I scowl him.

"I-." He stops talking, as Akaashi glares at him.


Is finally after school, since us girls doesn't have practice since we lost the prelims. So I walked home all myself. I had to wait for Kotaro and Keiji to finish practice.

I can't stop. I like him way to much. I thought. "Ahhhh." I jump out of my chair. "A-Akaashi. Stop scaring me like that." I hit him in the arm.

I hear him laugh. "Are you laughing at me." I say. He continues laughing at me. I begin to pout. I get up and sat in my bed. "You're so mean." I continuing pouting.

I'm not Dating Him (K.AkaashixReader)Where stories live. Discover now