1 - Pilot

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Flashing lights that could nearly blind a person were flickering throughout the studio, sounds of cameras clicking and intense snapshots being taken. A young man stood at the photoshoot, cameras all around him, taking images that couldn't nearly capture the man's real beauty.

This man's striking beauty made it difficult for any type of photoshoot to do him justice, but that didn't mean that the photos were mediocre. They were stunning, but the man was even more stunning in real life.

His pink hair fell in tufts over his forehead as he posed exotically for a photoshoot. He was wearing a designer suit, however, he wore no dress shirt. Yes, he was shirtless, his abs on display as he sat like a Mafia Don on a seat, posing for a photoshoot. The cameras clicked and the flashing lights went off like lightning, and yet he seemed unfazed as he just...sat there and looked beautiful. This was because, he was so accustomed to the sounds and lights that he didn't even react anymore. He couldn't. He was a professional model for two years now, one of the biggest models of his time.

After ten minutes of camera clicking, flashes of lights, and changing of poses, the young man was finally done for the day. He sighed in relief once the photographer called it quits, allowing him to dress up, remove his makeup and leave.

"Thank you so much for today, Mr. Park," the photographer said.

"It's my pleasure. It is my job, after all," the young man smiled, such a beautiful and angelic smile that made the crew workers smile too. Then, the young man stood up from the seat that was used in the photoshoot. He immediately wrapped the suit coat around him, covering up his exposed chest. Not that he was shy or anything. He didn't feel happy with the constant stares directed at his abdominal muscles. The female staff were basically eye-fucking him. 

He ignored the stares and wrapped his arms around his torso, hiding his abs as he stood up straight and confident, not taking on a prey's stance. He wasn't shy nor delicate. He wouldn't hesitate to tell someone off if they bothered him. However, he was a sweetheart too; just wasn't a pushover. 

This young man was about twenty-two years old, and in modelling for about three or four years, but he only made it big-time two years ago. He was known for his charming aura and perfect visuals. He had not a single flaw on his face, and his personality was just as great. He was kind, understanding and very generous. He just held a high amount of confidence and never let anyone take advantage of him. 

The young man walked off the set, passing the camera crew towards his dressing room, before his manager and best friend, walked up to him. 

"You're all done for the day, Jimin," his best friend told him as he smiled at the younger. This man was a lot taller than him, and adorned a black suit as part of his formal attire. He was working, after all. 

"Thanks, Namjoonie," the young pink haired man said with a smile. Ah, yes. The model went by the name of Park Jimin, a young and innovative man.  His best friend, on the other hand, was named Kim Namjoon. This man was tall, well-built, with dark brown hair and a beautiful pair of dimples that only peeked out when the tall man wore a smile. He was Jimin's best friend for as long as each other could remember. They grew up together, although Namjoon was a year older. 

"You can go home after this, Jimin. Do you want me to accompany you? We could spend time together," Namjoon suggested as Jimin threw him a sad smile. 

"I wish we could, Joon, but I'm so exhausted. I just want to go home and sleep. I don't think I'll be able to keep you entertained," Jimin chuckled sadly as he approached the door of his dressing room, ready to get dressed and leave. He had a long day of shooting today. His first appointment was to shoot a commercial for skincare products, and the second shoot which was now, was for a huge magazine company. He was going to be on the cover for one of today's most influential men of the year. Hence, he was so tired. If it was any other day, he would gladly invite Namjoon over. Just, today was too tiresome. 

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