~37~ Reassurance

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Jungkook gasped as he felt Jimin's seductive kisses done to his neck. His first thing on his to do list after finding out his mother was alive certainly wasn't to make love to Jimin, but Jungkook had to be flexible with a change in schedule. After all, most people were sleeping now and Jimin knew if there was one thing he could do to take Jungkook's mind off this whole debacle and to also reassure Jungkook how much he loves him, then this was it. He wanted to make love to him. There was just something so beautiful in making love to someone to prove to them that you want to be with them forever. Jimin doesn't date for fun, he dates with marriage as the end goal. He did see himself with Jungkook till the end. They were just so compatible.

With that in mind, Jimin continued to leave little kisses and nibbles on Jungkook's neck.

"J-Jimin... W-we can't," Jungkook whispered as he fluttered his eyes closed, his hand grasping onto Jimin's hair while his other hand gripped Jimin's waist.

"Who said we can't?" Jimin mumbled against Jungkook's neck as he kissed lower, his hands moving underneath the hem of Jungkook's t-shirt.

"What if...?"

"No one will see. No one will catch us. It's after work hours anyway... Do you not want this?" Jimin asked as he stopped kissing on Jungkook's neck to look up into the younger's dark brown eyes.

"Of course, I do. I'm just... What if I can't concentrate on you?" Jungkook asked nervously. He knew his mind was all over the place. He was scared he wouldn't be good enough right now.

"You will... I know you will... Just let me distract you," Jimin said as he leaned down to peck Jungkook's nose. The younger nodded gently to acquiesce before Jimin took the permission with a huge grin.

The older leaned forward and began to suck on Jungkook's neck again, his hands at the hem of the shirt that Jungkook wore before he slowly began to lift the shirt up to Jungkook's chest.

Jimin moved lower as he then pressed his rose tinted lips against Jungkook's chest, leaving a trail of kisses down to Jungkook's adorable belly button.

Jimin sucked the skin right above Jungkook's belly button, pulling hard at the skin and tugging on it until he created a red bruise on the younger's belly. Jungkook let out tiny gasps as he felt the sensations that Jimin made him feel.

Once Jimin was done giving Jungkook the hickey, he hastily got off the bed and sauntered over to their suitcase where he had a bottle of lube in the toiletries compartment. Jungkook watched Jimin retrieve the lube as he sat up to remove his shirt before he discarded it onto the ground.

Jimin ran back to the bed, already in the heat of the moment as he placed the lube bottle on the nightstand before he removed his own shirt and hovered over Jungkook. The younger reached his hands out to press his palms against Jimin's chest, feeling the firm muscle underneath his fingertips as he caressed Jimin's smooth chest.

Jungkook leaned forward to press a quick kiss to Jimin's shoulder, directly over the older's euphoria tattoo. Jungkook loved this tattoo because it represented so many things and the sight of the black ink on Jimin's shoulder made him even more aroused.

Jimin pressed his lips against Jungkook's as they tasted each other's lip balm. Jimin could never get tired of kissing Jungkook, and it was honestly one of his favorite passtimes.

Jungkook flipped them around suddenly, completely startling Jimin as he detached his lips from Jimin's and began to kiss the older's defined neck. Jungkook loved having control and it was now that he realized what Jimin meant when he said he liked being Jungkook's dominant. Jungkook liked being dominant sometimes too.

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