40 - Ours

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It was finally the last day the crew would spend in London. Their flight was for four in the morning the next day. The couple were rather bummed that they'd be leaving so soon. One week felt like one day. With all the drama that happened, including Jungkook's mom reappearing like some sort of magician, life seemed to take too many turns for this couple. They just wanted to settle down now. They wanted to be at peace.

To celebrate their last day, Hoseok organized a short get together with the crew of Satin Love. He also invited Yoongi, who was in their age group, just to thank him for his assistance whenever they needed a guide around the city.

It was around eight in the evening and the entire crew of men and women were drinking alcoholic beverages as they gathered like a family. Satin Love's crew were closer than colleagues or friends. They all cared for each other, Hoseok's personality created a vibrant ambiance in the company.

At the moment, Jimin was naturally angry. Inviting Yoongi seemed to be the bane of his existence because the blonde hadn't stopped his tiny advances with Jungkook. Jimin thought he was clear about their relationship. Yoongi was just being friendly but even that seemed too friendly for Jimin. He didn't understand Jungkook's jealousy before but now he did.

The couple sat next to each other on the three seater couch, but Yoongi was next to Jungkook on his right. So, Jungkook was sandwiched between Yoongi and Jimin. To say it was awkward would be a major understatement. Jungkook could feel the tension in the air but that's why he made sure to palm Jimin's thigh; hoping it would make him less angry. It wasn't like Jungkook was ignoring him. It was just that every time Jungkook spoke to Jimin, Yoongi would find a question to suddenly ask Jungkook to gain his attention. Jimin noticed what he was doing, and he was pissed.

It was nearing ten, when Jimin needed to use the bathroom. He needed to pee, urgently. He didn't want to leave Jungkook with Yoongi, but technically, they weren't alone. They were surrounded by thirteen other people.

"Baby, I need to go to the bathroom. Will you be able to stay here alone?" Jimin whispered to Jungkook. The younger flashed Jimin a sweet smile as he nodded.

"I'm not a baby, Jimin. You don't have to be scared to leave me alone," Jungkook smiled at his lover, causing Jimin to nod.

"I'll be right back. If anyone bothers you, just tell me," Jimin whispered, causing Jungkook to giggle the cutest laugh.

"No one's gonna bother me. Just go," Jungkook laughed, causing Jimin's heart to beat loudly against his chest at the beautiful melody. Jimin got up from his seat and went to the bathroom. He used the bathroom that was on the first floor because he didn't want to take too long.

After five minutes, when he went to the living room, he saw Yoongi's hand sneaking up to Jungkook's face to brush the younger's hair out of his eyes. He was fucking flirting. Jungkook flinched, his heart rate picking up at the sudden movement. Yoongi didn't ask for consent. He didn't know about Jungkook's fear.

Jimin saw the whole situation and immediately knew Jungkook was about to react.

"Yoongi, stop," Jimin panicked as he jogged over to his boyfriend who was trying to get away from Yoongi.

Jungkook was scared. He felt his old fear beginning to swallow him as he pushed himself further into the corner of the couch to protect himself, bringing his knees up to his chest as he created a scene in front of everyone. Their colleagues just watched in panic. They knew Jungkook had a small fear now, and they feared the results.

Jimin just went over to Jungkook hurriedly, who was shaking in the corner of the couch as he created a large gap between himself and Yoongi. Jimin kneeled on the ground in front of Jungkook as he reached his hands out to place them on Jungkook's hands which the younger used to hug his legs to his chest as he began to cry. He was panicking.

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