18 - I Miss You

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It was about five days later and Jungkook was all better. Today was the first day back in Jungkook's apartment and although Jimin didn't want to let him go, the younger felt like a burden. Ever since Namjoon came to visit Jimin, Jungkook felt like he didn't belong there, mainly because Namjoon didn't seem too pleased to see him in Jimin's apartment.

Jungkook didn't want to be a burden, but he also missed Jimin now. The raven haired was in his apartment, trying to sanitize and clean the area to rid the apartment of his germs. He was exhausted after cleaning the entire place but he decided that it was time to do this. He didn't want to get sick again. He needed to make sure the apartment was well ventilated and sanitary.

Once the younger was done with his cleaning spree, he collapsed on his worn out bed and heard the creaking of the springs within the mattress. The bed really needed to be replaced, and it was nothing compared to sleeping on Jimin's bed. Jungkook felt like he was sucked into a portal whenever he slept on Jimin's bed. It was just so comfortable.

Everything now reminded Jungkook of what he truly lacked. He didn't feel poor but he felt like he was missing a piece of him now that he was lonely. After days of having Jimin glued to his back, making sure he was healthy, the younger felt a void without Jimin around. It was hard to even describe the feeling.

Over the past few days, Jimin and Jungkook became even more close. They slept in the same bed, for crying out loud. Jungkook let Jimin hold him to sleep. The older sang to him. It was clear as crystal that they both were feeling incredible things, and that they had a bond that not many people could understand.

Jungkook missed Jimin too much. It was way too much. With every small movement, Jungkook's heart ached with the absence of Jimin. He couldn't understand it but now, he was beginning to know what Jimin meant whenever they did therapy and Jungkook's heart would speed up. Jungkook hadn't realized before, but he realized now.

He was falling in love with Jimin. He knew it now. Everything began to make more sense as he pieced it together. How he liked Jimin's touch. How the older could make him blush unlike any other. How Jimin treated him. How Jungkook couldn't go a day without seeing him. It wasn't just an obsession. It was his own little love story.

Jungkook didn't take long to get ready. He wore his usual jeans, and one of his black hoodies before he decided to leave his clean but still tiny apartment. He missed seeing Jimin, and although the older didn't invite him over, he needed to see him.

Jungkook's stalking habit was never this critical, but it all began a couple years ago and now, it was so habitual that he didn't see himself stopping. Following people around, hiding to watch them, and learning about their daily routine... It all seemed like such a good pass-time.

Nowadays, he enjoyed spending his free time watching Jimin mostly, but it was unfortunate. If Jimin lived in a house, it would be easier to stalk him from all parts of his home, but the older model lived in an apartment which made it harder to watch him from every angle. The only view he had of Jimin was from his bedroom window.

Jungkook left his apartment building and began walking in the direction of Jimin's apartment. It was around four in the afternoon and Jungkook knew the sun would set soon, so that would just make his habit easier to do. No one would see him in the dark but lucky for him, hiding behind that huge tree allowed him to never get caught.

Jungkook had his head down the entire time he walked, his hood on his head as he hid himself from the world. He was contemplating going back home, but he just couldn't now. The urge to see Jimin was so strong that Jungkook couldn't cope anymore. It's only been a whole day and nothing more, but he felt like he was missing a part of him.

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