~43~ Reflections

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Jimin began to kiss down Jungkook's neck again, darkening the hickeys he previously created in the kitchen. Jimin didn't like light hickeys. What was the point? He wanted it to bruise so Jungkook, and everyone, could see who Jungkook belonged to.

Jimin continued to grind down on Jungkook's hardening member as they got into the mood, both men feeling lustfilled again. Jimin's hands travelled all along Jungkook's body, loving to explore the younger's body.

Jungkook let out little whimpers at the way Jimin ground his hips against his, their aching cocks touching to provide some sort of relief. Jimin couldn't wait any longer. He travelled his kisses downward, kissing along Jungkook's pecs until he reached the younger's hardened nipple. Jimin clasped the nipple with his rosy and full lips, sucking on it harshly as his teeth nibbled the skin, causing Jungkook to feel butterflies and a familiar warmth in his belly as his arousal spoke many words. Jungkook wanted Jimin now and always.

Jimin sucked and licked Jungkook's nipple gently, being sweet with his lover as always. No matter how possessive both men were with each other, their sex was always sweet and loving.

Jimin reached lower, pushing Jungkook's  legs back to his chest to expose the younger's perfectly groomed entrance. Jungkook always took care of his body, being clean and extra precautious to make sure he was clean and smelled good in all places, which is what Jimin couldn't even understand; how did Jungkook smell good all the damn time? The vanilla didn't help because it just made him smell delicious and edible.

Jimin looked down at Jungkook's exposed entrance while he pushed his legs back into his chest. Jimin then leaned forward and licked the entrance, loving how Jungkook always kept his body ready for him to have any time. The younger gasped as he fluttered his eyes closed, feeling Jimin swiping his tongue at his entrance.

"Oh, Jimin," Jungkook gasped as he began to huff gently, feeling so turned on. Jimin always did this. Just the thought of having Jimin inside him made Jungkook excited.

Jimin continued to lick his boyfriend's rim, before he slowly entered him with his tongue, eating him out. The younger huffed softly, controlling his moans as he let Jimin taste his body. Jungkook always took care of himself because he had pride in his relationship with Jimin. He never wanted the older to think that he was uninterested, so he kept his body ready for him always; because, Jungkook loved putting in effort to keep Jimin's attention on him.

Jimin fluttered his own eyes closed as he embraced the adorable sounds that left Jungkook's mouth. He loved the way Jungkook would still react the same way he did before. So vocal. Jimin loved it.

"Jimin... Please stop the foreplay... I want it... I want your dick, please..." Jungkook begged as he tugged on Jimin's brown hair, to get him to stop. The older just chuckled as he stopped, leaning back to see Jungkook getting impatient. The older just laughed before he leaned forward and reached to the right night stand, opening the first drawer to pull out a new bottle of strawberry scented lube. Yep, Jimin already stocked up his new home.

"You already put that there?" Jungkook asked in disbelief as he regulated his breathing.

"I had to... And I'm glad I did because my impatient baby couldn't wait to be fucked in his new home," Jimin chuckled darkly before he lubed up his thick and pulsating manhood. He kneeled on the bed, before he stared down at Jungkook's submissive form.

"On your stomach, pretty boy," Jimin said, causing Jungkook to nod. The younger turned around to be on his stomach, his ass in the air and his left cheek pressed against the pillow as he gripped the sheets, waiting for Jimin to start. The older smirked as he caressed Jungkook's ass cheek softly as he prodded Jungkook's entrance with his slicked up cock.

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