~42~ Sweet Beginnings

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Jimin stood in between Jungkook's legs as he kissed his lover's neck now, Jungkook letting out deep exhales as he gripped the edge of the island.

"Jimin," Jungkook let out in a warning tone as he began to feel heat coursing through his body, wanting to feel Jimin in a way they haven't been in a long time. It's been about three weeks since they last slept together, and Jungkook was a little needy. So, with a sudden boost of courage, he reached down until his right hand began to palm Jimin's manhood through his jeans. The older gasped at the sudden touch, but slowly began to grind his hips forward into Jungkook's hand as he continued to suck and create love marks on Jungkook's crystal clear neck which would now become Jimin's canvas.

The older continued to grind his hardening bulge against Jungkook's hand as he kissed his neck, with Jungkook letting out the smallest noises that went straight to Jimin's cock.

"Jimin... Jimin, please," Jungkook whispered as he palmed his boyfriend's member. He cupped the erection and gently squeezed it, causing Jimin to bite down on Jungkook's neck in response.

"What do you want, baby?" Jimin asked as he spoke in a low voice against Jungkook's defined neck.

"You. I want you, Jimin. I... I can't wait any longer," Jungkook groaned as he tilted his head back, gripping the counter with one hand while palming Jimin's bulge.

"You're needy at the wrong times, aren't you?" Jimin chuckled lowly as he moved his hands from Jungkook's hips to sneak their way underneath Jungkook's shirt, his hands moving up his lover's chest before he used both of his thumbs to run circles along Jungkook's sensitive nipples. The younger sighed gently as he felt Jimin's hands all over his body. It felt so good to be this close to him.

"I just...can't help it right now. You made me emotional," Jungkook huffed as he felt Jimin slowly unbuttoning his dress shirt. 

"Emotional sex is the best," Jimin smirked as he pushed Jungkook's dress shirt off his shoulders, removing it and dropping it onto the floor.

"Right now? You're willing to do it right now? Are you sure it's not the wrong time?" Jungkook whispered shyly as he closed his eyes when Jimin began to trail kisses down from his collarbone onto his pecs.

"It's our house, baby. Nobody's gonna arrest us for having sex in our kitchen," Jimin chuckled as the sound vibrated against Jungkook's chest. The older began to fumble with Jungkook's jeans button, popping it open as he began to tug it down. The raven haired began to shift his ass on the counter methodically so that Jimin could maneuver his jeans off before getting Jungkook nude and sitting on the cold kitchen island.

Jimin spread Jungkook's thighs apart, gently caressing the inner thigh before he leaned down and pressed meaningful kisses to his inner thighs, lips lingering to create a suction effect, sucking gently on the skin as he continued to move closer and closer to Jungkook's hard length. Jungkook began to squirm against the counter as he gripped the edges, Jimin's lips getting closer to his hard cock.

"Jimin~" Jungkook whispered as he was about to moan his lover's name.

"You smell so good," Jimin whispered in response as he left a quick lick to Jungkook's tip. Jungkook let out a short cry as he felt his heart beginning to pound against his chest. Every single thing Jimin said to him made him want to cry from pleasure. Jimin's praises were phenomenal.

Jimin licked the underneath of Jungkook's length, his tongue tracing the veins that ran along the member as he licked his lover's treasure. Jungkook whimpered as he felt Jimin's wet tongue worshipping his throbbing dick.

"Jimin... Please... Take care of me, please..." Jungkook whispered as he reached one of his hands out to bury his fingers in Jimin's now dark brown hair.

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