~33~ Dominance

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Jimin began to fumble with Jungkook's button as he felt the younger leaving a hickey on his neck. Jungkook was becoming very possessive, but Jimin found that incredibly hot. The younger had a hidden dominance that he kept secret, but now, he let it out. He wanted Jimin all to himself, but it was the same for Jimin wanting Jungkook.

"Is Jiminie having trouble with my button?" Jungkook mocked as he removed Jimin's hands from his button which was still intact, before he pinned both of Jimin's hands above his head to the door.

"Fuck..." Jimin moaned as Jungkook continued to suck on his neck, leaving a dark hickey in its wake.

"Is it bad that I want you all to myself? Is it so hard for you to stop entertaining another person's advances? Can't you see that people are going to try to take you away from me?" Jungkook asked in a deep and husky voice as he tightened his grip on Jimin's wrists. He left gentle licks and nibbles to Jimin's neck after he was satisfied with the hickey. The makeup artists that tagged along could always cover it up before they left the plane. After all, everyone knew their relationship status.

"They can't do that, baby... I'm all yours," Jimin whispered weakly although his erection said it all. Jungkook truly did own him. Jimin's body was highly turned on, and all Jungkook had to do was get jealous and act possessive. Jimin loves this feeling of being owned, and Jungkook usually wasn't this dominant so it surprised him, but made him fall even deeper in love with the younger.

"You're mine? It didn't seem like that when you smirked at the air hostess like that," Jungkook said through gritted teeth as he leaned lower, kissing Jimin's collarbone as he held the older's hands to the door with just his one hand, using his other hand to unbutton Jimin's jeans.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook. I really am! I won't do it again," Jimin whispered as he tilted his head back gently, feeling Jungkook's fingers graze over his erection as the younger tried to unbutton his jeans, which he did successfully.

"You're sorry?" Jungkook asked as he let go of Jimin's wrists before he used both his hands to try to peel Jimin's jeans off.

"Yes, I am. I'll do anything to make it up to you," Jimin pleaded as he stared up into Jungkook's brown and hooded eyes that were filled with naughtiness and lust.

"Then...why don't you fuck me right here? Make me scream your name so loud that everyone will know how good it feels to have you inside me," Jungkook said, making Jimin whimper accidentally. Fuck... Jungkook was really, really different now. Jimin loved it, though.

The older nodded frantically as he stared at Jungkook with his doe eyes, feeling too submissive for his liking. He hasn't been so submissive in years. Jungkook was so hot right now, that Jimin couldn't even think.

After Jimin nodded, the younger got on his knees and pulled Jimin's jeans down in one swift movement. Jimin stared down at the younger, who removed his underwear slowly now, allowing Jimin's erection to spring up into the air.

"Oh, Jiminie is so hard~ Look at how turned on I make you... So precious," Jungkook smirked before he wrapped his right hand around Jimin's length, making the older whimper softly.

"Jungkook, baby..." Jimin breathed out as he pushed his back into the restroom door, feeling that electrical feeling coursing through his veins as he looked down at Jungkook stroking his manhood. It felt different. Jungkook never really did the foreplay. It was always Jimin since Jungkook didn't know what to do.

"Can Jiminie teach me how to suck him off?" Jungkook pouted as he kneeled on the ground, the pout seemingly innocent but his words were naughty.

"Just... Just put it in your mouth. Don't use your teeth. Suck on it and..." Jimin didn't get to finish before Jungkook took him into his mouth. The younger started off by licking the slit as he tasted Jimin for the first time, before he took Jimin's length halfway into his mouth.

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