12 - Rationality

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That Sunday, Jungkook stopped his therapy after an hour, being able to touch Jimin's hand for an astounding seven seconds. That, in itself, was improvement. He couldn't hold Jimin's hand fully, or touch another body part yet, but his fingers were able to ghost over the back of Jimin's hand, without completely freaking out. He was overwhelmed but he was just as determined to pull through.

Now, it was Tuesday and Jungkook was sitting on his rickety bed when he suddenly got a random text. His heart sped up like usual, but this time, a cute smile ghosted his features. He was unaware of his bright bunny smile on his face as he read the contact name.

Be at my apartment in half an hour.
I want to start therapy, early.
Kinda miss you.

Jungkook felt his heart leap out of his chest at the last line. His smile was blinding as his fingers trembled while he typed.

I miss you too, although I saw you yesterday.
And therapy? We can start whenever you want. You're the one with the busy schedule. Not me.
I'll be there in 5. :)

Jungkook felt so many things ever since Sunday's therapy session. He's been getting to touch Jimin in a safe and controlled space, and he didn't feel forced to do anything. Jimin made him feel relaxed every time. The older would sometimes light scented candles like yesterday, to calm Jungkook. He also sang during both therapy sessions to help Jungkook go into a relaxed mindset. Jungkook was snapped out of his thoughts when his phone buzzed again, looking through his cracked screen to see Jimin's text.

My schedule is always clear for you. <33

Jungkook's heart fluttered as he read the text, a smile on his face.

You know that's not true. If someone needs you, you should go to them.

Jungkook waited patiently as he laced up the shoelaces to his old Converse high tops, getting ready to head out of his apartment to see Jimin for their session. His phone beeped with another text from the model.

Right now, you need me more than anyone else I know.
And I really want to spend time with you so don't question it.

Jungkook internally squealed, although he externally blushed, as he read that text before locking his phone and shoving it in his pocket once he left his match box apartment.

He walked with a sense of urgency towards Jimin's apartment that was only a couple blocks away, taking him an approximate seven minutes to get there. He simply took the elevator and got off on the second floor, before he walked all the way down the dimly lit hallway to Jimin's apartment at the end of the hall. He inhaled to prepare himself before knocking on the apartment door. Within seconds, the door swung open, revealing a flushed Jimin. The model had his pink hair unruly, and he looked as if he just got off his bed and ran to open the door. Was he that excited?

Jungkook felt an unknown feeling coursing through his belly again, at the sight of Jimin looking so casual and comfortable in his sweatpants and t-shirt. Jungkook gulped, bringing up a hand midair to wave at Jimin.

"Hi," Jungkook said, feeling a sense of warmth in his chest. Jimin was also feeling nervous and warm at the sight of Jungkook, who sported a black T-shirt and looked so handsome even if the black was faded. Jungkook didn't want to wear the clothes Jimin bought for him unless they had to go somewhere important because of Jimin's career.

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