28 - Photoshoots

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It was two weeks later and Jimin had his first official photoshoot for Satin Love.  He was yet to be announced as the brand ambassador to the public. No one else besides the company and Jimin knew about the contract. But now, they were having a photoshoot, and the photos generated for this shoot will be used to announce his position as the brand ambassador.

Jimin, his boyfriend who posed as his personal assistant, as well as Namjoon, entered the company building, ready to meet with Seokjin and Taehyung who were in charge of the photoshoot.

Jimin's hand ticked with need to hold his lover's hand but their relationship wasn't ready to go public yet. Jimin just felt the absence of Jungkook's warmth. Although his boyfriend was right there, Jimin just yearned to touch him. It was crazy how addicted he was to touching Jungkook. Touch just happened to be their love language and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Jungkook also missed Jimin's touch but he didn't mind the distance for now. The problem came when he had to let other people do Jimin's hair and makeup. Jungkook was a very jealous type and having two older women touch Jimin to do his makeup and hair really bothered him. He didn't want the older women so close to Jimin.

What if the proximity would make Jimin find them attractive? They were pretty women, of course. Jungkook felt insecure and thus, a little scared as he sat on the sidelines, waiting like a patient personal assistant for any order to come his way. Although he was about a meter in distance away, Jimin could see his boyfriend's glum expression through the mirror of the makeup stand.

He noticed Jungkook's eyes directed on him, and he figured out that Jungkook was sad by everything. The younger had anxiety and now that he couldn't touch Jimin or show their relationship,  he felt sad and a little paranoid that someone will steal Jimin away.

Of course, Jimin knew how Jungkook felt. He was a trained psychologist and he could see Jungkook's thoughts through his eyes. That's how well he knew him.

Jimin waited for the women to be done with his hair and makeup, before he called Jungkook over.

"Jungkook," Jimin called, making the younger scurry over to see what Jimin wanted. He hoped that Jimin just wanted him near him, but what Jimin said next really disappointed him, and made him a little heartbroken.

"Can you get me a coffee from the kitchen, please?" Jimin asked, making Jungkook frown, but quickly cover it up. The younger simply nodded, before turning in the direction of the exit of the floor so he could leave, before Jimin's voice stopped him once more.

"Oh, and please bring it to me in my dressing room," Jimin added. Jungkook just paused in his steps, refusing to turn around to look at Jimin because he was scared the older would see his heartbreak through his eyes. The younger just nodded with his back facing Jimin, before taking off. He left the floor and walked towards the elevator before getting in. He was alone in the elevator so he took this time to think.

He didn't want to over think but he was seeing things differently.  Jimin wasn't even looking at him at all. He was looking at the two women who helped him get ready. Jungkook felt jealous and hurt over it. Just because they couldn't show their relationship, didn't mean that Jimin could ignore his existence the entire time and only call him when he wanted a fucking coffee. Jungkook was heartbroken.

He held back his tears as he felt his emotions take over him once he exited the elevator on the second floor to get to the kitchen and pantry area of the building. From there, he prepared Jimin's coffee with creamer.

As he prepared it, he thought about how Jimin just flatly asked him to bring the coffee to his dressing room. Jungkook knew that was his job but he still felt hurt. Jimin never spoke to him with lack of emotions, even before they became a couple. Jungkook assumed he did something wrong but he couldn't put his finger on it. The past two weeks were great so where did he go wrong?

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