16 - Lullaby

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Jungkook acquiesced with Jimin's words, although he really wanted to know the answer to his question. It may seem like on the surface that they only had a simple friendship between them, but Jungkook had a feeling - and he hoped he was right - that there was something more between them.

The younger was also a little taken aback by the sudden progression within their therapy. The two went from Jimin only being able to reciprocate hand holding, to Jimin touching his face and torso. While those facts were a bit overwhelming to dwell on, Jungkook felt a sense of happiness thinking about it. After all, he didn't just spend one month with Jimin for no reason. They needed to see progress.

Jungkook was also feeling plenty of other emotions regarding the little touches and the kiss to his forehead from earlier. Jimin really didn't mince his words. The older was confident in his touches and words, and he let nothing hold him back from getting his message across to Jungkook.

After that moment, Jimin went over to Jungkook's suitcase to pull out a white t-shirt for the younger to wear. The model allowed Jungkook to lay in his warm and comfortable bed, but to not be covered from head to toe like Jungkook wanted. The younger felt cold but his body was burning up.

While Jungkook laid in bed, he pondered over everything that's been happening to him recently. Jimin went to the kitchen to soak a small towel in cold water to leave over Jungkook's forehead. After that, Jimin proceeded to call up his doctor and beg him to come over. It was only ten in the morning now and the doctor was more than willing to help Jimin out.

By twelve in the afternoon, the doctor came over to check him up. After a couple procedures, it was confirmed that Jungkook indeed had the flu.

"It's different from a cold. A cold is easier to treat but the flu is not so fortunate. He can suffer from high temperatures. I'll supply medication to help bring down the fever, as well as painkillers for the headache and the body aches. I can also give you a course of antibiotics that must be completed in order for him to fully recover. To ease the sore throat, I can't help with that but you can buy throat lozenges. That will help. He needs to eat before he can take any of the prescribed medications because I wrote here that each one should be taken after a meal, three times a day. He might get a little bit drowsy," the doctor said once he tucked his stethoscope away after listening to Jungkook's heartbeat.

Jimin just nodded and proceeded to ask a couple more questions once the two left Jungkook alone with his thoughts in the bedroom.

Jimin paid the doctor and received the medication prescription from him. He just needed to go out and get the medications. He didn't want to leave the younger alone, but he had to. He made sure the heat in his apartment was just right, and that the towel on Jungkook's forehead was cold before he sat next to Jungkook on the bed.

The older brought a hand up to caress Jungkook's cheek, causing the younger to flinch and open his eyes to look at Jimin.

"I'm sorry... I just want to tell you that I'm going out for a while. I need to buy some things for you, including your medication. You can take a small nap while I'm gone, okay? I won't be too long. Just don't do anything strenuous," Jimin said before he leaned forward and kissed Jungkook's forehead. The younger leaned in to the touch, his eyes fluttering closed as he enjoyed the feelings the kiss invoked in him. Once Jimin pulled away, Jungkook nodded at the older man before going back to trying to sleep. He cuddled up in the comfortable bed, enjoying how much better Jimin's bed was compared to his old one.

The older smiled gently, before removing his hand on Jungkook's cheek and standing up. Just as he turned around, a hand grabbed Jimin's wrist, stopping him from moving any further. Jimin turned around to see Jungkook holding his wrist, with his eyes closed as if he was asleep.

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