~21~ I Need You

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Jungkook began to pant as he felt Jimin's plump lips around his member. It was his first time experiencing this and to say that he was sensitive would be an understatement. Every single movement of Jimin's made Jungkook go crazy right now.

The older kept his palms on the insides of Jungkook's thighs as he spread them apart, sucking on the younger's member but mostly at the tip since he was especially sensitive there. That was one of the most sensitive spots on a man, and Jimin knew that.

"Jimin~ Oh, my God..." Jungkook moaned as he gripped the sheets tighter. The younger was enjoying it so much and he could only lay there and moan uncontrollably.

Jimin sucked and lapped at Jungkook's member as he tasted the younger's pre-cum. The younger tasted so good in Jimin's mouth that he didn't want to stop. There was just something about hearing and seeing your partner getting pleasured that made Jimin feel like giving more and more. He was that type of person. He fell in love with Jungkook's reactions already.

Jungkook's thighs began to tense as his moans got louder, his body becoming more sensitive as he tilted his head further back. A sheer layer of sweat coated his milky skin as he panted.

"Jimin... Jimin, I... I feel something..." Jungkook stuttered. He, of course, had never been touched before; by another or by himself. He never masturbated because he never felt too aroused. Usually, if he felt the tiniest bit of arousal, he'd find a way to stop feeling aroused so he never needed to touch himself. The idea never seemed like something he truly wanted to do. So he never had an orgasm before. He was unfamiliar with what it felt like. That's how innocent he was.

Upon hearing this, Jimin pulled away and stopped sucking, only to make Jungkook feel an ache in his lower region. He opened his eyes with the cutest pout.

"Are...are we done?" Jungkook asked, making Jimin laugh out of intrigue.

"No, baby... There's better things to do than just that," Jimin chuckled as he got off the bed. The candles lit the room up and Jungkook watched with a lidded expression as Jimin walked towards his closet.

"W-where are you going?" Jungkook asked with curiosity as he caught his breath. Jimin opened his closet door and pulled out a bottle of lubricant.

"I'm not going anywhere, baby. I just need to get something for us," Jimin answered kindly, before he closed his closet door and turned around to walk back to Jungkook. The younger looked so innocent and lost as he lay on the bed, still gently clasping the bed sheets as he watched Jimin with a starry expression.

"You okay, pretty?" Jimin asked as he stopped at the foot of the bed, placing the bottle of lube on the bed as he stood there, his hands moving to the waistband of his sweatpants.

"Mhm... I'm just...trying not to panic and ruin this," Jungkook confessed as he watched Jimin's hands that ghosted the waistband of his sweatpants. Jungkook could clearly make out the bulge beneath Jimin's pants.

"Don't overthink. It's me. It's your Jimin, and I really adore you. I'll show you just how much I do. You just have to enjoy it, okay?" Jimin said, making Jungkook nod with certainty now. The older then began to remove his sweatpants, dropping it down as it fell to the ground.

Jungkook's breath hitched in his throat as his eyes took in Jimin's member. Jungkook was so shy now, and he blushed harder as he reverted his gaze back up to Jimin's eyes, who was moving to now grab the bottle of lube and hover over Jungkook while keeping eye contact.

"You can look, you know. It's yours now," Jimin chuckled as he hovered over Jungkook with the lube in his hand. He left the bottle on the right hand side nightstand and he held his body up with his arms as he looked down at Jungkook.

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