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Today was the day that everything was going to go down. Hunter and I being promoted to CEOs, the announcement of the merger and most importantly, the announcement of our marriage. After today everything wouldn't be some wild plan our dads thought of, it would be real.

Our dads decided to have one big thing instead of two separate events. The convention hall was packed with reporters, colleagues and staff. Everyone who belonged to Lodge Enterprises  sat on the left while Bass Enterprises sat on the right.

Our fathers got up and headed to the stage. Dad started off.

"Welcome one and all to the promotion of Sophia Bass to CEO of Bass Enterprise and Hunter Lodge to CEO of Lodge Enterprise."

Mr. Lodge continued. "Before we start, we have two important announcements. First, our companies will be joining to make one big Lodge and Bass Enterprise."

Before he could continue everyone started whispering and clapping.

"And secondly, our children will be combining as one as well through marriage. Congratulations to them."

Everyone started to clap and the photographers went crazy.

Shortly after Hunter and I were promoted as CEOs, we were now standing next to each other as everyone congratulated us. Today was the first I had seen him since our date or whatever it was.

A blonde woman came up to us and hugged Hunter. "Congrats Hunt, I'm so happy for you!"

He hugged her back with a smile. This was the first time his face wasn't sour. They released from the hug and she glanced at me.

"I'm so sorry. Where are my manners? I'm Jenna, Hunter's friend. Congratulations!" she said then shook my hand.

"Thank you."

She nodded with a smile then walked off.

I turned to Hunter to tease him. "I didn't know we were calling you 'Hunt' now."

He rolled his eyes then took a sip of his champagne.

"Come on Hunt you can't stay mad at me forever."

He turned to me. "I told you before and I will tell now again, I hate you and you're dead to me."

The smile on my face vanished. I tried to stop the water from filling my eyes when Mr. Lodge came running to us.

"What is wrong with you two? Everyone's eyes are on you and you're fighting?"

Hunter just looked away like nothing happened. He was still punishing me for something I did three years ago. I looked up and saw my dad angrily staring at me and mouthing the word 'smile'. It was hard smiling while standing next to your fiancé that just told you that he hated you.

As soon as everyone had gone away I slipped out and drove to the cemetery.


"Hey mom." I said as I wiped off her headstone that had a few spider webs on it.

"I brought you your favorite ice-cream, vanilla with caramel."

Every time I would visit my mom's grave, I always made sure to bring her an ice-cream. Before she died she would always bring me ice-cream every time we didn't see each other in a while. Whether if it was because she worked late or she went away on a business trip.

My phone rang again. From ever since I left, dad and Mr. Lodge have been calling me non-stop. I even saw a missed call from Hunter. I knew that they were calling because they were upset that I left but frankly, I didn't care. I just needed to get away from them so I turned off my phone.

"Sorry about that mom. It's dad, you know how annoying he can get. I actually have big news. I'm getting married to Hunter. Surprise!"

I tried to force a smile. "I'm getting married and you won't be here. I miss you so much mom. I need you right now."

I couldn't keep it together anymore. I broke down in tears.

"I don't know what to do mom. If you were here you would've found a solution. My groom hates me and dad is disappointed in me. Dad has retired today and I'm now CEO. I'm going to have all these responsibilities." I wiped my eyes then checked the time. "I should go. Bye mom."

I gave her grave an air kiss and left. At first, I use to spend the whole day with her but I slowly got busy and busier.

When I reached back, the last three men that I wanted to see were all seated in my office. I walked in silently and ignored them all.

"We have been trying to call you." Mr. Lodge said.

"Where were you?" my dad shouted angrily.

"Since when do I have to update you on my whereabouts?"

"You're going to be a married woman and your husband should know your whereabouts at all times."

"Good thing I'm not married as yet then!" I shouted back.

My dad closed his mouth and dropped his shoulders. "All I ever did was try to give you a good and easy life but no matter what I do, you are never pleased."

He turned to Mr. Lodge and Hunter. "See you guys at the wedding." he said then walked out.

Mr. Lodge stood. "Cut your father some slack. It's not easy giving away your daughter into marriage but he knows it will benefit you in the long run. He just wants what is best for you." he said then left.

Then there was Hunter. He didn't say anything, all he did was look around my office. I ignored whatever he was trying because I still had loads of work to complete before the wedding.

"It's too bright." he said.

I looked up at him. "What?"

"Your office. It's too bright. I can't work in conditions like this. You will have to come to my office whenever we have to work together."

Before I could reply, he walked out. I didn't understand him at all.

AN: Don't forget to vote!

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