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One month later

I woke up this morning puking my guts out. I felt so bad, I was considering taking a sick day but I couldn't because I had a meeting with Mr. Andrew. I threw on the first uniform that came to my hand which was just a simple grey pantsuit.

I walked into the kitchen and Hunter was scribbling down something off his phone. He looked at me for a second before looking back down. He didn't say a word. He was probably still mad at me about the project but I didn't care how he felt. This constant arguing and silent treatment were getting pretty old.

"Good morning Mrs. Lodge." Ms. Turner said. "Are you okay? You don't look so good."

"How dare you speak to me like that Ms. Turner? You're fired!" I shouted. Hunter looked up at me confused.

"You're not fired Ms. Turner," he said assuringly then turned to me. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

I wanted to break every single bone in his body right now. I wanted to rip out his insides. He keeps going against everything I say. I took a deep breath, picked up my coffee then stormed out.

When I reached my office, I ignored all the staff that greeted me and went straight to my office. I don't know why but I was in a really bad mood and hoped that I didn't start to feel sick again.

I opened Mr. Andrew's file and everything in there was a mess. He was acting like he had leverage when in fact he didn't. His company was pathetic. I could just cut him off right now but stupid Hunter would probably have something to say.

"Jannette!" I shouted.

She ran in quickly. "Yes ma'am?"

"Where's my pen?"

"Ma'am it's-"

"Every time I leave, one of my pens always goes missing. You're the assistant it's your job you make sure-"

"Mrs. Lodge!" she shouted.

"What?" I shouted back.

"Your pen is in front of you on your desk."

I looked down and saw the blue ink pen laying down in front of me. My shoulders dropped.

"Ma'am, are you sure you're okay? You seem a little unhinged."

Oh crap. Morning sickness, a late period, and bad moods? I was pregnant, wasn't I?

"I need you to get me something."

I needed her to buy me a pregnancy test. I would go myself but I couldn't risk anyone seeing me buying it then telling the whole world.

"Yes ma'am?"

"I want you to go and buy me a pregnancy test and don't tell anyone about it."

Her mouth dropped as she stared at me in shock.

"Now would be fine Jannette."

She nodded her head. "Yes ma'am," she said then left.

As soon as she left Mr. Andrew walked in. We drew up a contract that was good for me and still very beneficial to him. As soon as he walked out Jannette walked in.

"I got what you wanted ma'am. According to the pharmacist, this is the most accurate test. I also got you a bottle of water." she said as she rested the bag on my desk.

"Thanks, Jannette." she nodded then left.

I drank the water then peed on the stick. I had to wait a few minutes before the results showed so I decided to finish typing up a document. When I was finished, I went back to the bathroom. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking at it.

It said 'pregnant'.

Holy shit, I was pregnant. I didn't know if I should feel happy or sad. I had to tell Hunter, my dad, his dad. It was now all starting to come to me. What if I'm not going to be a good mom? What if the baby hates me too just like its father?

I shook my head and threw the test in my bag. I didn't want to think about it anymore. I went back to my desk and for the rest of the day, I buried myself with work.

Before I went home, I stopped at the store to buy something to reveal my pregnancy to Hunter. When I reached back home thankfully Hunter wasn't home as yet. Ms. Turner came up to me.

"Mrs. Lodge, I'm sorry about what I said this morning. I had no right saying those things and if you wish, I will gladly resign," she said.

"Ms. Turner, don't be silly. You aren't the one that's supposed to be apologizing. You were only being concerned and I took my anger out on you. I'm sorry for that. It won't happen again." I said with a smile then headed to my room.

I put on my PJs and then went on YouTube to watch some mom vlogs. If I was going to be a mom, I wanted to be prepared.

I heard a rap on my door and quickly paused the video. Hunter walked in. I wanted to avoid him before I figured out what I was going to do.

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm busy."

"Okay I'll be quick," he said then came and sat next to me on my bed. "I found a loophole in the Harlem Project so you don't have to cut it."

I was shocked. Was Hunter compromising with me?

"What about apologizing for completely blowing off on me?"

He shook his head. "You don't get one of those."

Fair enough. If he gave one, I would have to give one too.

"You know a 'thank you' or something would be nice," he said.

"Thank you, Hunter."

"And also good job today with Mr. Andrew."

I froze. "You knew?"

He nodded. "He called me after he was done talking to you the other day. I didn't say anything because I wanted to see what you would do. I guess you're not so bad at your job after all."

I smiled. "Was that a compliment?"

"Don't expect any more," he said then got up.

"Wait!" I said as I picked up the box. "I was going to wait until tomorrow to give you but since we're on a good note I might as well do it now."

I handed him a small turquoise and gold striped box.

He raised his eyebrow and looked at me. "Is it our anniversary already?"

"Just open it."

He looked at me skeptically but then opened the box. It was the positive pregnancy test with a pacifier that said 'I love daddy'. He stared at it. His reaction was similar to mine but with much less emotion.

I couldn't take it anymore, I got up and hugged him. He probably wanted the hug because he didn't push me away. "We're going to be great parents Hunter."

He finally pushed me away. "We're? How can I trust that you're going to be there? You already broke my trust once, you'll have no problem doing it again." he said.

Mr. Lodge was right. Hunter was scared of a second abandonment.

"Because I said so. I'm not going to miss any part of this baby's life. If I do, that means I'm dead."

He stared at the box. "I should go," he said then walked out.

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