Make a Wish

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I woke up in Hunter's bed once again. He wasn't next to me on the bed or in the bathroom. I went to my room and got dressed. I put on one of the new uniforms I bought the other day then went to the kitchen. 

"Good morning Mrs. Lodge." Ms. Turner said.

"Good morning," I said as I poured out my coffee.

"Are you planning something for Mr. Lodge today? Twenty-eight is a great accomplishment. Some men don't even make it to that age."

"Is-is today his birthday?"

"Yes ma'am. I thought you knew."

I laughed sheepishly. "I must have gotten the dates mixed up."

Hunter didn't even let me know that it would've been his birthday. Wives are supposed to know these things.

I didn't even bother stopping at my office. I went straight to Hunter's.

Selena wasn't at her desk so I just pushed the door open. He was reading something off his computer. I slammed the door to make him know I was there. He looked up.

"Sophia, you came just in time. I need you to sign these papers and have a meeting with the CEO of Rapha Enterprises. I was supposed to do it myself but I'm too busy."

Was he seriously going to talk about work right now?  

I folded my arms. "When were you going to tell me?"

He seemed lost.

"We were together for the whole of last night and you didn't consider telling me that today will be your birthday?"

He closed his eyes. "It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does."



"Because there's nothing to celebrate."

"What are you talking about? I could plan something small since it's short notice or I could buy you a gift."

He ran a hand through his hair. "If you really want to give me a good gift, please go to the meeting. He's already waiting. My ass is stuck on this chair for the whole day on a call and I really don't want to lose this investor."

I couldn't say no. After all, it was his birthday. "Fine."

I took the papers and went to my office next door. The gentleman was waiting patiently for me.

"I'm sorry for the long wait," I said and we started the meeting. It didn't last more than 20 minutes. He just wanted to make sure he wasn't wasting his money.

I finished signing off on the papers Hunter asked me to sign. When I went to return them, I don't think he even realized I came in. He was talking to someone on the phone and I used that as an opportunity to leave. I couldn't let his birthday pass without doing something.

He clearly doesn't want any big celebration so I'm going to have a small party for just the two of us. I went to the supermarket but I had to bring a bodyguard. I usually go to stores alone when it's about closing time because there will be fewer people. Since it was the middle of the day I had to be protected.

I picked up ingredients for a cake and to make dinner. After I was finished from the store I dismissed the bodyguard then went straight home.

"Mrs. Lodge, you're home early." Ms. Turner said.

"Yes, I'm going to surprise Hunter with a dinner."

"Is there anything I can help with?"

I shook my head. "Thank you but I want to do this on my own."

She looked at me then started smiling.

"What? Is there something wrong?"

She shook her head. "Not at all. I'm just admiring you. Hunter really picked the right wife."

I couldn't help but smile.

She looked at her watch. "It's time for me to go. Have fun tonight," she said then left.

I started mixing the ingredients for the cake then pushed it into the oven.  For dinner, I made mini homemade hamburgers and fries. I tried not to make it too fancy.

After one and a half hours, the cake finished and I cooled it down. I iced it black just for Hunter. I looked at everything I'd accomplished within such a short time and smiled.

My stomach grumbled at the smell of the food. Mini-me and I were ready to eat. I heard the door shut and ran to it.

I covered his eyes.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Shh," I said then pushed him to the kitchen. I uncovered his eyes. "Surprise!"

He froze.

My smile dropped. "Don't you like it?"

He looked down on me. "Is-is this for me?"

I pulled him to the table. "Yes now let's eat. Your kid and I are starving."

I picked up one of the burgers and started eating only to notice him watching me. "What's wrong now?"

"No one has done something like this for me before. Why did you do all this?"

My heart sank. He was genuinely curious.

"Hunter, I'm your wife and friend. It'll be dumb if I didn't."

The truth is that I cared and his trust mattered to me. I meant it when I said I was going to earn back his trust.

He nodded. "Well, thank you and..." he hesitated. "I'm sorry for what I said about the baby. It's not just a business step."

A smile grew from ear to ear on my face. He was getting there. He took a bite of the burger and his eyes widened.

"This is actually really good."


He nodded. "Why buy all those burgers when you can make your own?"

"Between work and annoying you, I barely have time to cook," I said and he almost laughed.

"Oh, and I have good news about the investor. Not only is he going to stay with us but he's also investing money into other projects."

"No way!"

"Yes, let's celebrate!" I said as I popped the champagne bottle.

He pulled it out of my hand.

I rolled my eyes then took it back. "Relax, it's sparkling apple cider."

"You're still not drinking any."

I narrowed my eyes. He got a bottle of water and poured it out in a glass. He handed me it then poured the cider into his glass.

"Cheers," he said before drinking his cider and leaving me the water.

He started to clean up the table.

"Wait there's one more surprise."

He looked at me.

I uncovered the cake. His mouth dropped. I put the '2' and '8' candles on the cake then lit them.

"Make a wish Hunt."

He closed his eyes then blew them out. I hugged him and he hugged me back. We took a minute before we released each other. When we finally did we were still close and looked into each other's eyes.

My heart started racing and I got that pit feeling in my stomach. Suddenly his lips were the only thing I could focus on. He probably felt the same about me because he started leaning in. I tiptoed so I could get closer to him but he pulled away.

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