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I woke up feeling a little bit guilty today. I know I didn't owe Kennedy anything but telling her would've probably been better.

When I reached the kitchen I saw the dog ran passed me. He caught me by surprise. It was going to take some getting use to but that was the whole point of Hunter's idea.

Speaking of Hunter, he walked in. He was quiet from ever since Kennedy confronted us. He said he didn't care but I knew he did. I hated that he always thought he had to show that nothing affected him.

"Good morning." I said as I handed him his coffee.

He looked at the coffee then back to me.

"Are you going to take the coffee or not?" I asked.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked sounded irritant.

"What do you mean? Why am I giving you coffee?"

We stared at each other angrily. I was trying to figure out what he was trying to do. He grabbed me harshly by my neck as he slammed me against the wall. Before I knew it his lips were on top of mine but I didn't kiss back. When he realized what he'd done he pulled away.

He started cursing under his breath.

I looked at how embarrassed he was and a chuckle escaped my mouth. I pulled him closer then kissed him back more powerful than how he kissed me before. I guess I misjudged him. He kissed me back as he let out all his frustration on to my lips. His hands left my frame to the wall behind me as he deepened our kiss.

My lips danced under his as we let out all the uncontrollable desire that was hidden within us. I'd never been kissed so intensely, so passionately.

I heard something like a glass break and we broke away. When I looked, it was Ms. Turner standing still with her face nearly turning pale.

"I'm so sorry Mr. and Mrs. Lodge. I'll clean this up right away." she said as she dropped to the floor to pick up the glass.

I smiled and Hunter rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Don't be late for the board meeting." he said in a harsh tone then walked out.

Was he happy or mad that he just made out with me? I couldn't decipher anything that goes on in that man's head.

I rushed over to Ms. Turner to help her.

"Oh no! Please you don't have to clean up a mess that I caused." she said as she started picking up the glass faster.

I smiled at her then gave her a glove. She was incredibly sweet. "I don't want you to cut yourself. I also want to help."

We got everything cleaned up in two minutes then I left for work. Work was boring but I didn't want to go over to Hunter's office before the meeting. They said this meeting won't be long but I don't believe anything those people say.

When it was around two o'clock, I decided to leave early and go see Kennedy at school. I walked up to her classroom where she and what looks like the moms were chatting under a tree.

All their mouths dropped when they saw me. I thought Kennedy told them we were friends? I guess they didn't believe her.

"Can I talk to my best friend for a moment?" I said.

Kennedy looked away.

"Please?" I added.

"Sophia Lodge is asking to talk to you and you're refusing?" one of the women asked.

She slowly turned her head back to me. "One minute." she said.

"That's all I need."

The moms gave us some space and I went to sit by her.

"I'm sorry." I said. "I'm not good at this friendship thing. I've never had a 'best friend' before. Our dads said we couldn't tell anyone and I didn't see that as a problem."

She looked at me.

"From now on, I'm going to try to tell you everything." I said then stretched out my hand for a handshake.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not one of your colleagues. We do hugs around here." she said then pulled me into a hug.

Kennedy made me feel warm and loved; a feeling my mom used to make me feel. After she died that feeling has been rare to find again. I'm going to treasure Kennedy as much as I can.

I brought her up to speed about the baby and she brought me up to speed with what happened in her life. We talked until I looked on my watch. The meeting had started 5 minutes ago.

Don't be late for the board meeting

Hunter's words kept replaying in my mind as I raced through the streets. I reached then headed straight to the conference room. The COO was presenting so I slipped in next to Hunter. He looked on me and his face was not pleased. After this meeting, I knew I had some explaining to do.

When they started arguing, I covered my stomach with my arms. I knew it didn't matter to mini Hunter if I did it or not but I felt the need to. I even saw Hunter almost falling asleep. Suddenly everything he did felt attractive to me. I hope it's just the hormones.

The meeting finished and Hunter and I were just about to leave. The same girl that said she was Hunter's friend came up to us.

"Hi Hunter!" she said she hugged him right in front of me.

She turned to me. "Hello Mrs. Lodge. Congratulations on the baby."


"Sorry to out you like this but," she said to me before turning to Hunter. "you've found the perfect wife. I saw the way she was looking at you in the meeting and only love makes you look at someone like that. Treasure her."

Hunter turned then looked down on me. I looked down and internally screamed. She needed to leave before she embarrassed me any further.

He put on a fake smile. "I'm glad that I'm so lucky."

I know she was only trying to compliment us but she was just complicating things. I hadn't even told Hunter that I started to have feelings for him.

He took my hand then dragged me to his office. When he closed the door, he let go.

"This morning didn't happen." he said.


"I said this morning didn't happen. It was early in the morning and we weren't thinking straight."


He rolled his eyes. "Sophia, I know we said we'll be friends but still remember that this is still a business relationship. We can't let anything get in the way of us bringing up the company."

I'm an idiot for hoping Hunter would think we were anything else but business.

"Sophia, are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. You're right we're nothing else but a business relationship."

I looked at my watch. "I better go, I have a meeting at my office soon." I said then walked out.

I didn't have any meetings, I just wanted to get out of there before I broke down in tears.

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