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Today I decided to wear a simple outfit. A beige pants with a black turtle neck shirt and a black jacket. I was going to my office today. Hunter was supposed to come too but I have no idea what was going on in that man's head right now.

I went to the kitchen and poured out my coffee. Hunter came soon after and poured out his coffee. He left without saying a word.

I picked up my keys then took my time going to work. Today was Friday so the office would be more relaxed. I walked in and greeted a few employees then went to my office. I didn't have any meetings for another hour so I decided to read up on some articles. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." It was Jannette.

"Good morning Mrs. Lodge. Sorry to disturb you but I have two bad news. Your 10 o'clock appointment was just canceled and  Mr. Lodge's assistant just called. She said he won't be able to make it today."

Of course, he wouldn't. I wasn't going to sit around all day by myself just because he doesn't have the balls to come. I picked up my phone and dialed a number. 

"Hi, Kennedy. Are you busy after work today?"

"No, why?"

"How about we go for lunch today?"


"Great!" I said then hung up. "Jannette, bring up any appointments I have later in the day to before 2 o'clock."

"Yes ma'am. Also, your father-in-law is waiting outside."

John? What is he doing here? "Thanks, Jannette. Send him in."

Soon after, Mr. Lodge came in.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Lodge?" I wasn't exactly happy to see him.

"Sophia I know your dad and I have been putting a lot of pressure on you and Hunter."

"Pressure? You guys are trying to control us. Hunter wouldn't even speak to me."

"Hunter will come around, he always does. We just want to make sure you two a secured for when we aren't here."

"Are you two planning on dying because my dad said something like that?"

"No, no." he laughed. "You know what I mean. You two have already married and now it's time to have a heir to the business."

"But Hunter doesn't want kids and he's fixed on it."

"Oh don't worry about Hunter. He will cave. He's just scared."

"Of what? Being a dad?"

"No, I've seen him with kids. He's a natural."

"So what is he scared of then?"

"He's scared for you."

"I don't know if I heard that right. Did you say for me?"

He nodded his head. "Hunter would kill me if he found out that I told you so don't say anything. You will probably never hear him talk about it unless someone brings it up. It's about his mom."

"His mom?"

He nodded his head again. "When she had him she suffered from postpartum depression. Instead, of treating it she left us and turned to drugs. Hunter always blamed himself for her leaving but she was just selfish. He just doesn't want a repeat of that happening to him."

"But I won't leave."

He shrugged. "That's just my son. He always sees the worst in people so he doesn't get hurt. I am mostly to blame for it. I missed out on a lot of important stuff in Hunter's life because of work and he probably thinks he would do the same."

"I never knew that was how Hunter felt."

"Of course, you wouldn't. I had to piece those things together. He keeps everything bottled up inside. He had this girlfriend once and as soon as they started getting too serious he broke up with her out of the blue. The girl's heart was broken for months. You're a strong woman Sophia. Don't get romantically involved with Hunter to make him hurt you." he said as he stood up.

"I should get going. I'm supposed to meet your dad for golf. Nice talking to you again Sophia." he said stretching out his hand for a handshake but I hugged him instead.

"Thank you, Mr. Lodge."

"Anytime dear," he said then left.

I sat back in my chair. I'm starting to feel a little bad at how I acted yesterday. I now see Hunter from a whole different point of view. I don't expect him to trust me so easily but he shouldn't have thought that I would've run away like his mom.

Jannette knocked on the door then came in. "Just a reminder that you have lunch with Miss Kennedy in 10 minutes."

"Thanks, Jannette," I said as I picked up my keys and walked out. I had totally forgotten we had a lunch date. Assistants are lifesavers.

Kennedy had texted me an address to a restaurant that wasn't too far from here. We texted back and forth a few times after the wedding but we didn't really talk about anything major. Today was going to be the first time I saw her since the wedding.

When I reached, she was already sitting at a table on the outside.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

She jumped up and hugged me. "Hi! It's been so long since I've seen you."

"It's only been a month." I laughed as we both sat down. From what I remembered, she was quite friendly and energetic.

"So what did I miss?"

Oh, you just missed the part where my dad and Hunter's are forcing us to have a baby but in a passive-aggressive way. "Nothing really. You?"

"Well, one of my kindergarteners wouldn't stop crying today..." she continued to speak but I didn't continue to listen. Kids were the last thing I wanted to hear about.

"So how are things going with you and Hunter?"

"We're good we're just trying to adjust to the married life."

"Zach and I were like that too. I remembered we even had a big fight on who gets to sleep on which side of the bed. Which side do you sleep on?"


She laughed. "Which side is yours and which side is Hunter's?"

"Um, the right is mine."

I wasn't sure if I should've told her that we didn't sleep in the same room. I mean all normal newlyweds did so why weren't we.

The waitress came and we both ordered a cheeseburger with fries. Something about foods with cheese on them always brought comfort to me.

"So how's Zach?"

"He's good. He actually went on a business trip this week. I'm supposed to pick him up in an hour so I might have to leave you early." she said.

Our food came and we talked about our interests while we ate. We had a lot in common. After lunch, she left right away and I went home. When I saw it was past 9 and Hunter still wasn't home, I went to Ms. Turner.

"Ms. Turner have you seen Hunter?"

"Yes ma'am. He came and left. He's working late so he said to tell you not to wait up for him."

Typical Hunter. All he does is avoid his problems.

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