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I woke up to Hunter sleeping on the chair next to me. I didn't hear the baby at all last night but I was awoken by the nurse checking up on him.

I heard a knock on the door. It was the doctor.

"Good morning Mrs. Lodge. Is everything okay?"

Hunter must have heard her because he woke up.

"I'm doing fine. How is my son?"

She opened the incubator and gently lifted him out. "Why don't you see for yourself."

I shook my head. I didn't want to hold him. I could hold him too tight or even worse, I could drop him. He was too fragile.

"It'll be fine. You will be holding him in a padded blanket. It's very important that you get to hold him." she said as she rested him in my arms.

He felt extremely light. It was almost as if I wasn't holding anything at all. I looked over at Hunter who was watching us both very keenly.

"Do you want to hold him?"

He immediately shook his head.

I looked back down on the baby.

"Hello baby Blaze. It's mommy. It's my first time holding you and I'm already in love with you my sweet pumpkin. I promise you and daddy that I'm going to take care of you both." I whispered to him then gave him a gentle kiss.

I looked back over to Hunter who was watching me with a small smile on his face. I smiled back at him.

The doctor spoke up. "He should probably go back into the incubator now Mrs. Lodge."

I nodded then raised him back up to her. When she put him back, she left.

I turned to Hunter. "Hunter, can I tell you something?"

He nodded.

I started to laugh. "I would've never imagined you were going to be the first one to say it. These past days have been challenging for us and you still stuck by me."

I took a deep breath. "I love you too."

He looked at me surprised. "Really?"

I sat up and nodded. I leaned over then kissed him. I sensed his smile as we kissed.

Someone cleared their throat in the background. When I looked, it was my smiling dad with an unhappy father-in-law.

"Sorry to interrupt. We just came to visit our grandson." dad said as walked over to the incubator.

Hunter got up and walked over to his dad. His hands were in fists and his face was red. He grabbed him by the neck and started choking him.

"I know." he said with gritted teeth.

Mr. Lodge looked terrified. He glanced over to me before my dad rushed in.

"What has gotten into you Hunter!" dad shouted as he tried to loosen Hunter's grip.

"Why don't you ask him what he said to your daughter."

Dad let go of Hunter then slowly turned his head to Mr. Lodge.

"John what did you say?" dad inquired in a calm manner. When it came to me, dad doesn't act as calm as he usually does.

"I didn't do anything! My son is a psychopath and your daughter is a liar!" Mr. Lodge shouted.

Hunter quickly grabbed Mr. Lodge's neck again. "So you didn't threaten her to break up with me and try to sabotage the business? That's what you're telling me?" he shouted angrily.

"Son let me go. I'm sorry!" he blurted out as he tried to gasp for air.

"How could you do such a thing when you're the one that suggested the marriage?" dad added.

"I was helping you! My son is incapable of love! He will only damage her." he said then turned to Hunter. "Have you ever been with a woman for more than 6 months or even told someone you love them?"

Hunter released his father from his grip. "I have...with Sophia. From now on, you have nothing to do with Lodge and Bass Enterprises and if you ever threaten Sophia again, I'll personally kill you myself."

"Who do you think you're talking to? Did you forget who I am? You're really going to put me under the bus for that woman?" Mr. Lodge asked but dad intervened.

"'That 'woman' is my daughter!"

"And my wife." Hunter added.

Mr. Lodge turned to me with gritted teeth. A smile appeared on my face as I waved to him. "Shut the door on the way out. I wouldn't want anymore scumbags getting in."

I heard Hunter let out an laugh. Mr. Lodge looked at us one more time before storming out.

Hunter ran a hand through his hair before turning to me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded.

Dad walked over to baby Blaze and watched him for a while. He said goodbye to us then left.

I saw Hunter walk over to Blaze.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He looked at me confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Hunter, you basically just ended things with your dad."

"He was never really my dad and I was never really his son. I was just some puppet to him. No good father would want to prevent their own child from happiness."

He looked down at Blaze. "I'm not going to be like your grandfather. I'm going to make sure I put your happiness over business." he said before giving him a little kiss.

The sight was just perfect. I almost shed a tear. I already knew Hunter was going to be a good father. When I first met him, he was cold, heartless and didn't really care if a child wanted to take a picture with him but now look at him.

We started off as enemies who thought we would never agree on anything together now we're a family who's story has only just begun.

AN: Thank you guys for reading my book! If you've enjoyed it please vote!

Part II is out.

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