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Today was Monday so that meant everything was back to work. No more feeling sorry for myself or being mad at friends. I found a uniform that I could fit in and walked to the kitchen. I was starving so just coffee wouldn't do.

Ms. Turner walked in.

"Ms. Turner have you seen Hunter?"

She nodded. "Yes he left early this morning. It looks like he has a busy day."

I nodded then left. I didn't have the time nor energy to cook breakfast so I decided to just make Jannette order something when I got to work.

The drive wasn't long. When I got there, Kennedy was sitting right next to my office door. When Jannette saw me, she got up.

"Sorry miss, I told her that you weren't here as yet but she insisted that she stays until you come."

I walked passed them both then went into my office. Kennedy followed.

"Soph please hear me out. I took a day off for this."


"I'm so sorry that we said those things. It was before we got to know you."

"Why are you sorry? I'm a CEO who's been called worst by many people. I'm mature enough to not get my feelings hurt by silly names."

"Those people who've called you worse don't know you. They have a reason since you're more successful than them but we don't have an excuse. We are suppose to be your friends who you trusted not to gossip about you behind your back. I'm truly sorry. Please forgive us."

I heard a knock on the door. It was Jannette. "Sorry to interrupt but your 9'oclock is here."

I turned back to Kennedy. "You should go."

"But Soph I'm not done yet."

"It's Mrs. Lodge and whatever else you have to say tell it to my assistant, she'll pass along the message."

She looked at me disappointed but she deserved it.

The appointment came in.

I stretched out my hand. "Hi, nice to meet you..."

My day basically went like that until I reached home.


When I stepped foot in the house, the first thing I did was take off my shoes. I had no idea why I still decided to wear heels to work. My feet were swollen and it felt like I got dig with millions of pins and needles.

As I passed to the walk up the stairs, I saw Hunter laying down on the couch. It was such a relief to see him because my mind kept running on him for the whole of today.

I'm not like this over any man and I mean never. Hunter just makes you fall in love with him without even trying. He's like an addiction. You keep wanting more.

I finally stopped staring at him like an idiot and walked over to him. He looked up at me.


"You left early this morning."

"Yes I had to sort some stuff out on my end."

He looked at my stomach. "How is my son?"

I smiled as I got on top of him. I tried to lay down on him but it was not possible with that belly in front of me. "He's always making me hungry."

He placed his hands on my stomach. "Little John is getting big in there."

I covered his hand with mine. "We are not naming our child John."

He laughed then picked up his phone. "I forgot to tell you. Lynda went into labor a couple hours ago. Mason said it's going to be a long one. Do you want us to go to the hospital now or later?"

I stiffened. "I can't."

"Why not?"

I got up off him and looked away. "I-I have uh work to finish up."

I didn't hear him answer me so I looked back at him. He had an unimpressed look on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"You know lies don't work with me so why bother?"

I didn't want him to know what the actual reason was. When we had that big fight 3 years ago, the last thing Hunter called me was cold hearted and selfish.

"It's nothing honestly."

He pulled me back down on him and started tackling me. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Stop!" I shouted as I tried not to giggle.

"Tell me."

"Who's Jasmine?" I blurted out.

He immediately stopped.

"Sophia how did you find out about her?"

"Answer the question."

Just when he was about to answer, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. It didn't feel like a kick.

He held me up. "Sophia are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" I shouted angrily.

He sighed. "Jasmine is an ex."

She must have been the ex his father was talking about. She must have been the one Hunter got so serious with that he got scared and broke up with her.

He looked on his phone and his eyes widened.

"What's wrong?"

He got up. "They said one of the employees is saying we tried to kill them and they're willing to sue."

"Do you want me to come?"

"No, when I'm done dealing with this mess I'm going to see Lynda."

I nodded. I'm glad he wasn't forcing me to go.

I sat down for a couple minutes to clear my mind before the doorbell ran again. When I opened the door, Mr. Lodge came marching in. He looked upset.

"Didn't I warn you child?" he shouted.

"What are you talking about?"

"About getting romantically involved with Hunter!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "It doesn't matter. We both like each other and that's what matters."

"He liked his ex and look what happened to her. He can't be trusted."

"You're not my dad you don't need to protect me. Hunter and I can make our own mistakes."

"And if anything happens to you from my son, your dad will lose trust in me. Hunter won't listen to me so you can be the responsible one and end this nonsense. You two didn't get married to love each other, you got married for the benefit of the business. I came all the way here so I didn't meet with Hunter."

"Wait, how did you know Hunter wouldn't be home?"

He looked guilty.

"Were you the reason behind the employee?"

"Yes, I needed Hunter out the house."

"I'm not breaking up with Hunter."

"Do it or else Hunter will suffer the consequences."

I shook my head. I wasn't going to budge so easily. When he realized that I wasn't, he pulled out his phone and dialed someone.

"Hello Mr. Donner. I need you to cut all ties with Hunter Lodge or else you'll be exposed."

"Mr. Lodge what are you doing?" I whispered. That was one of Hunter's biggest investors.

He ended the call. "Just making sure you know that I'm not bluffing." he said then walked out.

How could he do such a thing to his own son?

AN: Keep voting! The end is near ;)

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