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I stood in front of the mirror as I looked at the lace ball room style dress I had picked out.

"Miss Bass you look so beautiful." Jannette said as she helped me zip up my dress.

"Thank you Jannette." I said then hugged her. She had really outdone herself for the past few days with helping me get everything sorted out. She even took me out last night for a bachelorette party. We had a few drinks but not too much that we couldn't wake up for the wedding.

I heard a knock on the door and then my dad soon came through.

"I'll give you two some privacy." she said then left.

I had neither seen nor spoken to dad since the fight. We usually never go a day without speaking so it was a little hard but I think space was a good option for us.

He pulled out a necklace and placed it around my neck. It had a pearl and a heart.

"Your mom was suppose to do this. At times like this, I miss her so much. This necklace has been in your family for many generations. It is passed down from mother to daughter on their wedding day. The pearl symbolizes happiness and the heart symbolizes that you have found love."

But I haven't found love.

"I know this is not how you pictured getting married pumpkin and I didn't mean those things I said."

"It's okay dad."

"I'm a horrible dad for making my daughter get married just so we can be richer."

I hugged him and he hugged me back. "I'll be fine dad."

"Okay, okay enough with the sad moments, we have a wedding to attend." he said then we laughed.


We stood outside the doors of the building.

He turned to me. "You ready pumpkin?"

I gave him a slight nod and the doors opened. The music started playing and all eyes were on us. We walked slowly down the aisle as the guest took nearly 100 pictures of me until we reached the alter.

"Take good care of my daughter." dad whispered to Hunter.

I stood next to Hunter. He looked really good. I haven't seen him in anything else but a suit but this suit was different. He was dressed in a stunning, black linen suit that looked expensive.

"Ready to begin?" the pastor asked and we both nodded.

The ceremony was quick. We exchanged rings and it was now time for us to be pronounced husband and wife.

"Do you, Sophia Bass, take Hunter Lodge to be your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?"

I looked at Hunter who was looking at me. "I do."

"Do you, Hunter Lodge, take Sophia Bass to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall live?"

He looked away. "I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I forgot we had to kiss.

Hunter turned to me and before I knew it, his warm lips were pressed on top of mine. He made it quick but very convincing because everyone had a smile on their face as they clapped.

When he pulled back we looked into each other's eyes for a short second before he looked away. We walked down the aisle and headed to the reception.


Hunter and I sat at our table alone while everyone danced away on the dancefloor. He was still eating the finger food our caterers had made while I had finished mine. He wasn't paying any attention to me so I watched him.

I had married a total stranger. I mean, I knew him before but we weren't as close as how other couples would've been. We did good business together a few times but that was it for us. We were almost becoming friends before I ruined it.

"Jeez you two look like you're already divorce." Hunter's best man said as he went in to hug Hunter. I didn't really know who he was but I saw him at a few business conventions before. He seemed pretty successful.

The lady that came with him slapped him on the back. "Excuse my husband's behavior. He doesn't know how to act sometimes."

I laughed and she stretched out her hand. "Hi, I'm Kennedy and this is my husband, Zach."

"Nice to meet you both." I said as I shook their hands.

"Where are the others?" Hunter asked.

"Mason and Lynda's babysitter had to leave early and Jack and Sabrina are somewhere on the dancefloor." Zach said.

"Interesting. Did you hear that Milton called bankruptcy yesterday?" Hunter said and Zach's eyes widened.

"You're lying!"

Hunter shook his head and Kennedy came next to me.

"How about we go for a walk?" she whispered and I nodded my head. Ever since we got to the reception, I've been sitting in that one spot listening to people say 'congratulations' to us over and over.

We started to walk around the edges of the hall.

"I am so glad Hunter got married." she said and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.


"Mmm-hmm. Hunter and Zach are bestfriends so we are always basically at Hunter's house or Hunter is by us. I'm glad that I will have someone to talk to now instead of listening to those two talk for hours about business."

"You aren't into business?"

She shook her head. "Oh gosh no. I'm a kindergarten teacher."

I was shocked. How does a kindergarten teacher get with a business man? In this type of business there's so much work you barely get time for yourself, much less finding someone outside the business. Most of us usually just marry a colleague. It saves us more time.

"Zach thinks I should stay home and be a housewife but I'm too young for that. I'll also get bored way too quick plus I love kids."

I nodded my head. "Do you and Zach have kids of your own?"

"We have been trying but no luck yet."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Mason and Lynda has two of them and the third is on it's way. The whole friend group basically raises their kids."

I nodded my head.

"And don't worry you'll get to meet everyone eventually."

I liked Kennedy. She was friendly.

"Do you and Hunter plan on having kids."

Hunter and I, having kids? I chuckled. Hunter doesn't even want to look at me much less get me pregnant. It would be nice to have a baby so we won't be so miserable all the time but it's probably best not to. I don't want Hunter and I messing up the kid's life.

I shook my head. "I don't think so."

"Well if you change your mind, let me know. I think you would be a great mom and I would love to see Hunter try."

We took a seat outside. I sighed in relief. "It's good to get away from all those people."

Kennedy laughed. "We're going to be great friends. I can already see that."

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