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The honeymoon went by pretty fast. We mostly just stayed in the room and worked. Hunter and I had pointless fights, more than I could count. We had just pulled up to his house because he refused to live in mine.

Just as expected, he lived in a mansion. It looked a little scary and haunted on the outside. Hopefully, it doesn't look the same on the inside.

When I stepped foot in his house my mood instantly changed. He turned back and saw I wasn't following anymore.


"What is this?" I asked.

This place was worse than his office. It was dark, scary, and soulless. The floors and the walls were black. This place gave me the creeps. I know Hunter had liked black but this was on a whole other level.

He rolled his eyes. "You're overreacting."

"Welcome back Mr. Lodge." an older woman, in her late sixties, said as she bowed. When she saw me her eyes widened. She came to me and bowed again.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Lodge. I didn't see you there. Welcome, I am Miss Turner, the head maid."

"Please stand up Miss Turner." I turned to Hunter. "I can't believe you allow your maid to bow at you, Hunter."

He rolled his eyes. "Miss Turner, please show Mrs. Lodge to her room then bring her to my office," he said then left.

This was the first time he ever referred to me as 'Mrs. Lodge' and it sounded good.

"Right this way Mrs. Lodge," she said then I followed. As we walked through the house, I looked around and made sure to stay close to Ms. Turner.

She giggled. "Don't worry. It looks scary at first but you will get used to it."

She opened a door. "This is your room."

When I walked inside, it wasn't that bad compared to the other rooms.

"This room was full black but Mr. Lodge made sure to change up some of the features so it wouldn't be as dark."

I looked at her confusedly. "He did that for me?"

She nodded. "Yes, Mrs. Lodge but please don't tell him that I told you."

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," I said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lodge. Are you ready to go to Mr. Lodge's office?" she asked and I nodded.

Hunter's office was just a few rooms down so we didn't take long. When we reached, Hunter was at his desk reading something.

"If you need me, I'll be downstairs," she said then left.

"Is your room okay?" he asked.

"Why do you care?"

"I don't. I'm just trying to be welcoming."

I smiled because I knew he did care. "I love it. Thank you."

He seemed satisfied with my answer because he didn't say anything else.

"You know, I was thinking and..." I was a bit scared to ask him because I didn't know how he would react. "maybe sometimes we can stay at my house?"

"No." he didn't even bother to think about it.

"What why? You didn't even give it a thought."

"I didn't give it a thought because I didn't need to."

"We can spend weekends and holidays there."


"So what am I suppose to do with it? I can't just leave it empty."

"Sell it, rent it, I really don't care."

I rolled my eyes then walked to the door.

"Stay," he said.

I turned back to him. "Why?"

"Dad said the workers have to see we spend quality time together."

"Okay fine. What do you want us to do?"

"Nothing. I said the workers had to 'see' but I didn't say we were going to do something."

I narrowed my eyes then sat. "Where am I going to work?"

"I'll have someone convert one of the rooms into an office for you."

"Why can't I just work with you? There's more than enough space in here." I said as I pictured where I would put my desk.

He stopped what he was doing then turned to me. "Because I don't want to spend every second with you."

I placed my hand on my chest. "Wow Hunt, you almost hurt my feelings there."

"Quality times over, get out."

I know I was pushing it but I wanted to see how much I could push.

"I could definitely see this being my office if we put up some pictures."

"Get out."

"Maybe even put up one of our wedding photos. You know I saw us in one of those magazines. They called us 'Most Unexpected Couple' can you believe it?"

"I said get out!" he shouted. 

Bingo! I thought he would've lost it already. I got up and walked back to my room. All my bags had been delivered on the day of the wedding so I had a lot of unpacking to do. I started with my shoes then clothes. I finished in about two hours, just in time for dinner.

When I reached down to the dining room, Hunter wasn't there as yet. Ms. Turner brought my food and I started eating. It felt weird sitting at the table and eating alone. I mean, I always did it when I was home but it felt foreign in Hunter's house.

He walked in and took a seat across from me. He didn't say a word. He must've still been angry at me from earlier.

"I'm sorry," I said.

He paused for a minute but continued eating.

"The silent treatment really?"

"Can you just stop talking for once in your life? You haven't even been here for a day yet and you're already driving me crazy."

This time his words affected me. I didn't talk after that. When we finished eating dinner he left and I stayed. I picked up our plates then started to wash them.

Mrs. Turner ran to me. "Please you don't have to do that. That is my job."

I had been so used to doing things for myself. I stepped back and Mrs. turner took over. I felt completely useless in this house.

When I reached my room, my phone rang.


"Hello, pumpkin. I know you're a married woman now so I hope it's not too late." it was dad on the other end.

"No, it's fine," I said as I fell back unto the bed.

"So how's everything? Did you settle in good?"

"Yes, everything's fine dad."

I lied because he already thinks I'm never satisfied with anything.

"Okay, great pumpkin. Go have fun with your husband," he said then hung up.

Fun is the last thing Hunter and I were going to have.

I watched TV for the rest of the night until I fell asleep.

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