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I woke up then started getting ready. I noticed that I hadn't been experiencing morning sickness for the past week. I put on a simple black dress with a jacket.

I went down to the kitchen and saw Ms. Turner but not Hunter.

"Good morning Ms. Turner. Did Hunter come down as yet?"

"Mr. Lodge left an hour ago."

I'd figured he would try to avoid me. Last night got a little awkward after we almost kissed. I ate a light breakfast then went to work.

Everything was pretty handled at my office so I went to Hunter's.

I walked in and sat on the chair in front of his desk. He kept working like I wasn't there so I started humming. He stopped then looked up at me.

"You know I gave you that office for a reason right?"

"Yes but annoying you seems way better."

He looked on his watch. "Why are you here? We aren't suppose to go to the doctor's for another hour."

"I know but everything is controlled at my office."

"Why do you always have less work than me?"

"Well maybe that's because you took away most of my responsibilities."

"If I didn't you would've made us go bankrupt."

I gave him a death glare. I was glad we were frenemies again and not having the awkward feeling from last night.

My mind kept going back to last night. What if. What if Hunter didn't pull away last night? We would've probably been together in a romantic way right now or more awkward than ever.

Hunter was about to kiss me so what if he was starting to feel the same way as me. It was probably just the euphoria from the surprise. Everything was strictly business with Hunter; even our child. He said he didn't mean it but I know he did. If he didn't, he wouldn't have even said he did at all.

"Sophia!" Hunter shouted.

I looked on him. "Huh?"

"Are you okay? You zoned out on me."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"I was asking if you wanted to go now."

I nodded again. I didn't feel like talking anymore so I stayed quiet for the whole drive.

We were going to the doctors to find out the gender of the baby. Hunter and I both decided that we should find out the gender now than when the baby is born.

Personally I didn't care about gender of the baby because I would still love them equally. Hunter didn't care either. We didn't really talk much about the baby. It was clear that he still didn't really want a baby like before.  

As soon as we walked in, the doctor was waiting for us. We got set up and then she placed the tool on my stomach. She searched around until she saw it.

"Looks like you guys will be having a boy!" she said.

I saw a small smile, barely noticeable, smile grow on Hunter's face. I was glad as well that I finally found out the gender of the baby.

We paid the fees then walked outside. As soon as we did, we were met by a mob of paparazzi. Luckily, our security detail was there and made way for us to pass to Hunter's car.

He started driving and didn't say a word. What I really wanted to know is who tipped off the media about us.

When we reached back to Hunter's office, we were met by my angry dad pacing back and forth. As soon as he saw us he came closer.

"What is wrong with the two of you?" he shouted.

I shut the door and close the blinds. "Dad, what are you talking about?"

He looked on his phone. "Billionaires Hunter Lodge and Sophia Lodge get spotted at a local obstetrician's office. Is a possible baby on the way?"

Hunter walked to his desk and completely ignored us. 

"It's not our fault dad."

"You two were suppose to keep his discreet as possible."

"We did."

"No. You two are billionaires you could've had the doctor come to your house. Did you forget you aren't two regular people who can go where they want and aren't being constantly watched?"

"It doesn't matter. We were going to tell the public anyway."

"Pumpkin, there is a right way to do things."


"Okay fine. What did you guys go there to do anyways?"

"Looks like you're going to have a grandson."

His eyes widened then immediately hugged me. "A grandson? I'm going to make sure to teach him how to play golf by the age of 4."

I laughed. "Dad."

He looked on his watch. "Speaking for golf I have to go." He kissed me on the forehead then ran out.

Now it was just Hunter and I alone in his office. He was still working and not paying any attention to me. I think I might just know the trick. I left and collected something from my office next door.

When I came back, I placed the picture frame on his desk. As soon as I did, he looked at it. It was one of the pictures taken of us when we were at our honeymoon. I only just got them last week. I kept one in my office over at Bass Enterprises too.

"What's this?" he asked.

"It's a picture of us silly."

"I know that Sophia but why is it on my desk?"

I sat down in front of him. "All husbands have a picture them and their wives in their office."

He kept quiet as he stared at it.

"Plus your office is soulless. If you really want people to think you're this nice guy you might want to change that." I added.

He leaned back into the chair and crossed his arms. "And you think a picture of us is going to make people think I'm the nicest man on the planet?"

Not exactly but I nodded anyways.

He rolled his eyes then handed me back the picture.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't need this." he said.

I took it then put it back on the table. "You may not need this but you should have it."

He didn't say anything else so I took that as a sign to leave. Something about that man made me go crazy on the inside. He barely made an effort when it comes to us and when he does, it only lasts for a short time. How can someone like this make me feel this way?

It's almost as if I am falling for him.

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