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I woke up and got dressed. I didn't feel like dressing up today so I threw on an old uniform. I heard my stomach growl and headed downstairs. I hadn't been eating regularly for the past few days because I'm still trying to adjust to my new schedule. 

"Good morning Mrs. Lodge."

"Good morning Ms. Turner."

"Good morning Mr. Lodge," she said with a smile.

"Morning," he replied dryly.

"I made you guys breakfast. I hope you don't mind."

Hunter and I both looked at each other then at her.

"That's well above your paygrade Ms. Turner," Hunter said.

"Think of it as a late wedding gift."

I hugged her. "Thank you, Ms. Turner," I said then went to eat.

We sat and ate. Things felt a little awkward from last night. I wasn't mad at him or anything but he could've at least said something or maybe I shouldn't have overshared.

"You should come down with me this morning," he said.


"To reduce the carbon footprint. You are supposed to spend the day at my office anyway."

I knew Hunter. He didn't care about carbon footprint, he owned 8 cars.

"Okay fine."

"Good, let's go."

"I haven't even finished eating my-"

"Walk with it," he said then walked out.

He always makes sure he gets the last say, doesn't he? I picked up my bag then walked to the car. I got in and he drove off.

"About last night..." he started.

"Hunter, please. I don't want to go back there."

"I'm putting up Buddy for adoption."

I turned to him. "What? Hunter if you're doing that for me-"

"I'm not. I don't have time anymore to take care of a dog."

He was doing it for me. If he wasn't, he would've made one of his many workers take care of the dog.

"Whatever you say, Hunt."

"Would you stop calling me that?"

"Would you stop hating me and finally forgive me?"

He didn't answer. "Alright, I guess you have your answer then."

The rest of the ride was dead silent. We came out of the elevator and I followed behind him. Some of the employees waved and smiled at me while the others kept their heads down.

He sat in his chair while I sat on the sofa.

His assistant knocked then opened the door. "Mr. Lodge, your 9 o'clock appointment is here."

"Thank you, Selena. Let him in."

She gave me a disgusted look and then left.

"I can't believe you slept with your assistant Hunter. It's so unprofessional." I said as I looked at my nails.

His face turned pale. So it is true. I was just guessing because she was being way too territorial for just an assistant but now his reaction confirmed it.

He was going to say something but his appointment walked in.

"Mr. Lodge." he shook Hunter's hand then came to me. "I am Mr. Quinn. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lodge."

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