A Business Step

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I stood in front of the mirror trying to pin my jeans.

Hunter opened the door. "What's taking you so long?"

"They won't fit," I said as I held back tears. Ever since I got pregnant I've felt the need to cry for everything.

"Are you crying?" he asked.

"No," I said then the tears came flooding down.

He rolled his eyes. "Just relax. I'll take you to the store when we're finished from the party."

Today was a Saturday and also Mason and Lynda's anniversary. Whenever it would be their anniversary all their friends would go to their house and have a small party. Apparently, I'm now one of them.

"Really?" I said and he nodded.


We reached Mason and Lynda's home in around 20 minutes. It was a mansion but unlike Hunter's, it actually looked like a family lived there.

As soon as we opened the door two children chasing each other, ran out.

"Jason and Amaya, get back here!" Lynda shouted.

I looked at Hunter and he looked back on me. Was I going to end up like this when the baby comes? My hand started to shake and Hunter probably realized because he held my hand.

Lynda looked at us shocked. "Guys, I didn't even see you. Welcome!" she said as she hugged us.

We walked into the living room where the rest of the friends were.

I hugged Kennedy, Zach, Jack, and Sabrina.

We started catching up to see how everyone was doing.

"Ladies, could you help me out?" Lynda asked.

We followed her to the kitchen. Kennedy and Sabrina went to do the drinks while Lynda and I stayed by the grill.

Lynda turned to me. "How far along are you?"

My heartbeat started getting faster. "What are you talking about?"

"Honey, I'm a mother of 3. I know when someone's pregnant or not."

I immediately put my index finger on her mouth. When I realized what I had just done, I pulled it back. "I'm sorry. Please don't tell anyone. Hunter and I are keeping it a secret."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. You're lucky that Kennedy and Sabrina are too concentrated on how they look to see it. I suggest you wear a bigger size because someone is going to eventually notice."

I nodded.

"And if you have any questions, I'm always available."

I mean she was a stay-at-home mom so there's no doubt in that. I hugged her. "Thank you, Lynda."

"Why are we hugging?" Kennedy asked. I froze because I didn't want to lie to her. Lynda probably picked up on that because she spoke up.

"I was just showing her how Hunter likes his chicken."

She seemed to believe it because she nodded then changed the subject.

"The drinks are ready so let's go and eat."

Just when we were about to leave the kitchen, I saw one of the children chasing their dog. I froze.

Kennedy turned back. "Sophia, are you okay?"

I put a smile on my face and nodded. "Lynda, where's your bathroom?"

"Down the hall on the left."

I turned around quickly and rushed to the bathroom. All the memories of the past flooded my mind as tears started to fall. I was pathetic. Every time I saw an innocent dog I get terrified.

I heard a knock on the door and Hunter came in.

I turned away from him because I didn't want him to see me like this. "Go away."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just go away."

"You're not fine because if you were, you wouldn't be in our friend's bathroom crying."

I laughed.

"I told the kids to play with the dog outside."

I started to cry even harder.

"Why are you crying? I thought I just told you good news."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you had to marry a woman who's traumatized by dogs."

He stooped down to my level and handed me his handkerchief. He had a small smile on his face. "Will you stop crying so we can go and eat? I'm starving."

I laughed and fixed my makeup so it didn't look like I was crying. Surprisingly Hunter waited patiently while he watched me. I wonder what was going on inside his head.

I turned to him. "I'm ready."

We went to the dining room and the others had already started eating. Lynda watched me but the others seemed clueless.

We talked some more about our lives. Hunter, Zach, Mason, Jack, and I talked about the business market for a while but stopped because the others didn't understand what we were saying.

We left and drove to the store. It was late so not many people were in the store. I picked up a couple of dresses and now we were looking for some uniforms. When I asked for his opinion on stuff he didn't answer me, he just followed.

"Lynda knows," I said.

He turned to me. "Lynda knows what?"

I put the uniform in front of me and looked at myself in the mirror. "That I'm pregnant."

He pulled me around harshly.

"Hey!" I shouted angrily.

He ran a ran through his face. "How does she know?"

"Because she's a mom."

"Why didn't you just tell her you weren't."

I searched through the rack. "Because that would be lying Hunter."

"You've lied multiple times before. Why is this time any different?"

"Because she would've found out anyway."

"This was supposed to be a secret Sophia."

"I know. She promised she wouldn't tell anyone and I trust her. Why haven't you told Mason yet?"

He looked at me confused. "Why would I?"

"I may not be an expert when it comes to best friends but I think you're supposed to tell each other everything."

"He'll find out in due time."

"But Hunter the baby-"

"The baby is just a business step."

I froze. "Did you just call our child a business step?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Well, that's what you said!" I shouted.

I pushed my cart to the cashier.

"That will be one thousand dollars," she said.

I took out my purse but Hunter gave her his card.

"I don't need your handouts," I said then searched for my card. He grabbed my hand and we stared at each other. It was hard maintaining eye contact with him so I pulled my hand down and looked away.

On the way back was silent. I hated the fact that I was submissive to his stare and I hated even more that he knew he had that power over me. Men weren't supposed to have that position in my life.

For the rest of the night, I mostly stayed in my room to avoid him.

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