Doctor's Appointment

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I got up early to make breakfast for Hunter and I. Ms. Turner hadn't even arrived as yet. I made toast and eggs with strawberries. 

When I was about to put the plates on the table, Hunter walked in. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the plates in my hands. "What's all this?"

I placed the plates on the table. "I made it."


"Can we just eat?"

I just wanted to start to earn back his trust and I read an article that says 'a way to a man's heart is through his belly'.

He nodded then we sat to eat.

"Now answer. Why did you make this?" he asked again.

"I was making breakfast for myself so I made it for you one time. Most wives do this."

He watched me. He didn't buy a single word I said. He then looked at his watch then got up. "I have to go. I have a meeting."

"Don't forget we have a doctor's appointment today!" I shouted.

Hunter was so difficult. I was putting in all the work so we could make this work and he was making no effort. Sometimes I regret ever agreeing to this arrangement.

I picked up my keys then drove to work. When I reached there was a waiting room full of people. I walked up to Jannette.

"Jannette, why did you make appointments for all these people at the same time?"

"I didn't ma'am. It's the worker's union. They're here because of the Harlem project."

I raised my eyebrow. "What about the Harlem project?"

"Mr. Lodge closed it then fired all these people. They are threatening to protest if you don't see them."

"No, you're wrong. Hunter said that everything was handled." I said as I tried not to get upset. Maybe this was all a simple misunderstanding.

She pointed at her computer screen. "No, it says here that Mr. Lodge ended the project yesterday at 3 pm."

My breaths got deeper and deeper. I could hear Jannette calling my name but I ignored her. I left and drove straight to Hunter's office. I was going to commit murder.

When I reached his office, I ignore all the employees and went straight to Hunter.

"Mrs. Lodge you can't go in there!" Salena shouted but of course, I ignored her too.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted.

The man who Hunter was talking with looked back at me.

Hunter gave an awkward laugh. "Babe, I'm a little busy right now. Can it wait?"

"No! It cannot. Why did you cut the Harlem project?"

That's when Hunter's face started to look pissed off.

The man got up. "I should go. I'll reschedule with your assistant," he said then left.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I was in an important meeting!" he shouted.

"Why did you cut the Harlem project?" I shouted back.

"Do you know who that man was? We were just in the process of making a deal that will potentially change and benefit the company drastically."

"I don't care about that right now. Why did you cut the project?"

He let out a dry laugh. "I don't have to explain anything to you."

"Oh really? Well if not me, explain to all the jobless people waiting in my office. They're planning on having a protest. Do you know how bad that would be for the company's image?"

"Okay, then we'll pay them off, simple."

"Those people don't want to be payed off Hunter. They want their jobs back."

"Well, that's too bad because they aren't getting it back."

"Why not?"

"Because that project is useless to me."

"I trusted you! You told me that those people will still have a job."

"Well, I trusted you too but I guess trust doesn't work all the time."

I closed my eye for a second then opened them back up. "Hunter please don't tell me you're making innocent people jobless because you're mad at me."

He stayed quiet.

I laughed. "You're a dick and more messed up than I thought," I said then walked out.

When I reached back to my office, I walked up to the people. "Sorry for the misunderstanding. The project is still on and you guys still have your jobs."

Almost everyone in that room let out a sigh of relief. If Hunter wanted to play that game I didn't mind. He had no power over me. We both had the same level of authority so I could continue and end projects just like him.


I sat in the waiting room of my obstetrician. I was up next and Hunter still wasn't there. Even though we were fighting, he could've still come and looked at his kid for the first time.

The secretary walked up to me. "Mrs. Lodge, it's your turn now. Are you waiting on someone?"

I looked at the door and shook my head. "No, it's just me."

I got up and followed her into the room.

"Hello, Mrs. Lodge. Congratulations on the baby!" my obstetrician said.

I gave her a polite smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Michaels."

"So where's the hubby?" she asked.

The door opened. "I'm right here," he said with that smug smirk on his face. He looked at me then we stared into each other's eyes until I looked away.

She shook Hunter's hand. "Nice to meet you, sir."

She looked around for something but it didn't look like she could find it. "Please excuse me for just a second," she said then rushed out.

The room fell dead silent. I was sitting on the bed and Hunter was sitting on a chair across the room.

He laughed. "Your dad really did warn me about you being a hard woman to handle."

I stayed quiet because I needed him to elaborate further.

"I can't believe you told those people that they still have a job after I specifically told you they didn't."

"Just like you don't have to answer to me, I don't have to answer to you. I'm not some child you can just 'handle'."

"Well make sure those people aren't under Lodge Enterprises' payroll."

"Fine, they'll be under Bass Enterprises'."


Mrs. Michaels came back in. "Alright, let's get this ultrasound started."

She placed a cold gel on the button half of my stomach and searched for a heartbeat.

"See there." she pointed to the screen. "that's your baby. The heartbeat sounds very strong."

I took my eyes off the screen then peeped at Hunter. His eyes were fixed on the screen and he almost looked terrified. Although I was mad at him, I wasn't just going to sit and allow him to feel this way. I held his hand. He looked down on me but didn't pull away.

She turned off the machine and Hunter dropped his hand.

"It's too early to tell the gender so you'll need to come back when you're 18 weeks."

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